I'm not a fan of bikinis on anyone under 18, but that is just my opinion. However I saw an 8 or 9 year old girl at the pool today wearing this top. The picture doesn't show it clearly but it is padded A LOT. I don't understand why you want to make your little girl look like she has breasts. Can anyone enlighten me?
Re: Bikinis on girls
No bikinis on girls in our family. Everyone else can do whatever, I'm not judging you as parents, but in our house, I'm thinking high school before bikinis.
My Blog
No it was not "lightly padded" if she wasn't in the water I would have assumed it was stuffed full of Kleenex. You could tell she hadn't developed yet. I don't know that it wasn't weird looking because it had been washed, but it looked bad imo.
I found this article: https://abcnews.go.com/US/abercrombie-fitch-padded-bikini-top-year-olds-parents/story?id=13236904#.UAsk7bTeB00
Eh, it's the parents that need to be blamed for this. It's all a parenting choice. I will never ever shop at Ambercrombie & Biitch just because I hate that store (add in Hollister while your at it). However, for me I see nothing wrong with a teenage girl in a bikini, if it's tasteful and not a string bikini. DD is in a tankini now and probably will be until she is older. I like them better than one pieces.
The thing is the parents are allowing young girls dress like skanks. My DD will be stylish, but far from a skank. I don't think a bikini is skanky unless it's meant to be skanky. I judge the parents for allowing their kids to dress like that. I will not be allowing DD to go out like that.
Bikinis on girls: no no no no no.
If you want to be able to pull bottoms off easily, get a tankini.
I think it is inappropriate for children under the age of 16 to wear a bikini. I used to work at the beach and witnessed way too many pervs checking out toddlers in bikinis. Like, full on leering. I once call the cops on a guy that was hiding and taking pictures of a little girl in a bikini. I waited to make sure that he was not related, when I saw the boner he was sporting, I called the cops.
Yeah, my kid is not wearing a bikini.
This... and I won't let her wear it even if she bought it as long as I'm around to see her..lol
I'm having buyers remorse. Gymboree is having a swimsuit sale and DD1 picked out a bikini (her first). I hesitated but decided to purchase it b/c of the price $5.99. After reading the above, I think I might be side-eyeing every male in the area vs having fun swimming.
It sucks that parents even have to think about these things. Chances are nothing would even happen like that to DD, but I am freaked out for life.
This is my worry, I can't protect her from everything. but I can cover her up as much as possible. But on the other hand if a man can find a baby/toddler sexy, it won't really matter what she is wearing.
That's your prerogative. As it is mine to silently judge you.
I agree. I think the bigger issue is the parents who are allowing their tween girls dress like skanks. I don't think bikini's are sexual until you make it look sexual. Just sayin'
We got a bunch of these at the Carters outlet:
They were $12.95 and came in a variety of styles. It made changing the baby easy and made this paranoid mama feel at ease.
But, I think that a baby could get hot in this easily. DD goes in the ocean with us, so she gets cooled down.
I used to think I wouldn't put my baby in a 2 piece, but then I realized it can be a lot more practical for diaper changes. I prefer one pieces, but if I'm taking DD out by myself it's just less of a hassle with a 2 piece. Once she's potty trained it will be one pieces all the way.
As for the snappy one pieces, yeah they would be great to have, but even on baby-steals they are still really expensive. I hate when rich people are up on the bump telling other moms that their toddler would be less of a ho if they would just throw down $20+ on a swim suit. You do see how ridiculous that sounds, right?
So I've never heard of these snap suits before, but if I'm on the right site, they are less than $30. Why does someone have to be rich to get a $26.99 article of clothing that will be worn all summer?
Heck, I spent that on a toddler winter coat and I think we've used swim trunks this summer more often that the coat from last winter.
I really don't get the bikini hate.
Its one thing to put your toddler in a triangle top bikini that looks like an adult woman's. The ones with the ruffles and the sporta bra style tops are bad? Really? What is so weird or pervy about showing off some stomach skin? It isn't going to save LO from the sun, nor is it some massive improvement from a one piece. I'm sure the pervs are just as happy looking at legs and back and shoulders that you'd see in a one piece just as easily.
I find just the swim diaper to be less weird than a two-piece, personally. I don't really understand the purpose of a strappy swim top. Your toddler doesn't have boobs and it seems a little strange to imply that she has something to hide.
That said, I don't feel all that strongly about it.
I just bought Tilly a swim suit today, which was a swim diaper and a rash guard top. If my fear of sun damage wasn't a factor, it would have just been a swim diaper. If diaper changes weren't a factor, it would have been a one-piece.
I guess my policy on bikinis is that she can get one when she can buy it herself.
ETA: the royal "you," not you personally.
Seriously. It's not like we're putting babies in dental floss and leaving them on the beach alone. And juniper, this will probably giveyou a heart attack - when I was 2, I had a 2 piece swimsuit that only had little plastic smily suns for the top, attached with ribbons. I've seen pictures. It was adorable and I was not sexualized, abused or mistreated, nor do I feel violated now seeing those pictures.
DD wears smocked bikinis that cover plenty. Just because you can see a little bit of her tummy does not make her any more sexualized than the baby next to her in a one piece.
Perverts sexualize fully clothed kids too. Do you also blame women that are dressed provocatively when they are raped?
I will assume this was aimed at me, since I first posted about it here. I am pretty offended by this. I never said that I blame the parents for dressing in a bikini if their children were victims of a pedophile. You are making a really big leap here.
What I said was that witnessed a man taking pics of a toddler girl. She was wearing a string bikini. He had a boner.
I am not an idiot. I understand that people will sexualize children no matter what the clothing, if said person is a pedophile. But, I don't want to give them ANY ammo for my child.
To make the leap that I must think that women that dress provocatively deserved to get raped is pretty disgusting. I would never blame the victims sex crime.
You might not of thought of it that way but it is how it comes off. I'm sure you might find the same perv having the same reaction at the park on a fall day when the kids are fully dressed.
Also, goonie I didn't see you had posted this or I wouldn't of said the same thing. lol Only you put it much better than I did.
Yep you managed to stay on swimwear
instead of veering off into food land.
BFP #2 11/30/09 EDD 08/12/10- Sophia Grace born 8/1/10
BFP #3 11/16/10 EDD 08/04/11- Samuel Richard born 7/28/11
BFP #4 01/04/12 EDD 09/19/12- Simon Nathaniel born 9/6/12
BFP #5 03/27/13 EDD 11/25/13- Savannah Lee born 11/18/13
That's what I was thinking, lol.
I don't mind bikinis on kids at all. DD has one two piece and one one piece. I do not think it sexualizes them one bit. That being said, I have seen a few bathing suits, one and two piece, that seem to emulate sexy hip hop video swimwear and I think that's a bit much. But hey, I feel they same way about sweatpants that say bootylicious on the ass. I don't think clothes that reveal skin = sexualization. Nor do I think that if my daughter's stomach shows, I'm encouraging pedophilia.
This is my siggy. Love it.
I saw mention of smocking we could totally go off on that tangent
BFP #2 11/30/09 EDD 08/12/10- Sophia Grace born 8/1/10
BFP #3 11/16/10 EDD 08/04/11- Samuel Richard born 7/28/11
BFP #4 01/04/12 EDD 09/19/12- Simon Nathaniel born 9/6/12
BFP #5 03/27/13 EDD 11/25/13- Savannah Lee born 11/18/13