August 2011 Moms

Target VENT!

Let me just say that I LOVE Target.  I think I have a small obsession with that store.  I try to do small shopping trips with DD.  I mostly use her stroller and just use the basket underneath and the small shopping baskets to get what I need and get out.  However, today I needed the big shopping cart because I had the purchase some bigger items.  I was very disappointed to find out that I could not use the cart cover in the cart because of the way the back of the seat was designed.  I couldn't feed the seat belt of my cart cover through the back of the seat.  Okay, no biggie- I'll just use their seat belt and not use my cover.  But the belt didn't even fit around DD!  Is it me?  Am I dumb?  I saw another mom struggling with it too.  Her son was 15 months (I asked her).  I swear it wouldn't fit a child bigger than a 4 month old, lol.  I put the cart cover back on and just let her sit without the belt.  She was pretty good, thankfully, but I was a nervous wreck watching her like a hawk so that she didn't stand up or try to jump out.  

Anyone else have this issue, or is it me?? 

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Re: Target VENT!

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    I had the same issue the first time I tried to put DD's cart cover on one of their carts!  Luckily, the carts at our target are really new and clean, and plastic instead of metal, so I didn't mind putting her in there as much as I would mind at some other stores.

    While I didn't have any trouble with the cart's seat belt fitting around her, I had a different weird issue with their carts.  When she was belted in tightly and would lean forward, the entire backrest of the cart seat would also slide forward instead of staying stationary. So she could lean forward and still eat the cart handle regardless of how tightly she was belted - ew!  I tried to see if there was a locking mechanism on their carts, but I couldn't figure out any way to fix the problem the last couple times we were there. Stupid design!  Or stupid me for not figuring it out....I don't know!  LOL!

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    We have a Itzy Ritzy shopping cart cover and it is the best! Fits every shopping cart, swing, highchair or any place it needs to be.

    Sorry you had that problem but I have to agree the belts do seem short.

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    Just got home from being there and had the same experience. If I had their belt on dd could barely breathe. So I unbuckled her and she behaved for the most part. 
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    I don't remember having an issue with the Target straps, except that I think that's where the strap ends up almost in his armpits because it is high.

    But yeah...Target carts are the reason I abandoned my seat cover since that used to be the only place I put him in the seat. I try to avoid going when he's over-tired and super spazzy because then he tries to climb out. A lot of times I skip the belt because of how gross the belts are. I've been trying to just train him not to eat the cart by talking to him and having a cup or something for him to stick in his mouth. If I talk to him, it keeps him occupied so that he doesn't try to escape.

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    I've definitely had the same experience.  It forces her to recline and she doesn't want to.   With crazy pants dd, I have to buckle.  Usually I end up carrying dd halfway through our shopping trip.
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    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has trouble! It makes me feel a bit better, haha. To answer a PP's question, the carts are the newer plastic ones. I also have an issue with the back of the seat not locking in place. Very annoying. I also don't like how it is so reclined. Ohh, the little problems of being a mom, lol.
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    I had a shopping cart cover and sold it after I realized it didn't fit on Target carts. That's basically the only place we go. I also have problems with the straps. DD is tall and thin (only 21 lbs) and we can barely get the strap around her. She is such a wiggle worm that the strap is a must. Even with it on she still tries to stand up. Usually I end up carrying her or she walks. The problem is she is too young to understand (obviously) that she has to stay with me and not touch things. So she gets distracted easily, sits down in the aisle and refuses to stand up, and cries when I won't let her touch every.single.thing. in the store.

    Shopping has become a hassle.

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