Food Allergy

Epi Pen Jr ... ???

I don't know if I'm cut out for this allergy stuff.  

DD has been prescribed epinephrine for her peanut allergy.  The allergist says she is too small for the epi pen jr ... so she just prescribed vials of epi that would have to be drawn up into a syringe, measured to the appropriate does, then injected with a standard/traditional needle.

DC is wigging out over this.  They won't let me leave the epi/needle/syringe until they confirm that they can administer it.  This is a large national chain .. they now have the director, district manager, risk management dept, and legal dept all trying to figure out if they can administer the epi in the event of a life threatening allergic reaction under their watch.

Our f/u appt with the allergist isn't for another couple of weeks, so I'm scouring the interwebs looking for answers.  My time with Dr Google (I know, I know) has lead me to plenty of people who were given an epi pen jr for their tots as small as mine.

So ... if you made it this far ... my question is: Those of you with kiddos under 33 pounds who have been prescribed epi, what was your doc's take on the epi pen jr? 

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Me: 28, DH: 33
Conceived DD in <1yr w/o assistance
TTC#2 since 11/2013
Benched pending conf of Rubella immunity
Next Cycle: CLOMID round 1

Re: Epi Pen Jr ... ???

  • DS was diagnosed with his allergies at 13 months.  We were given an epipen jr.  Not sure how much he weighed then...maybe 22 lbs.  He now weighs 28 lbs and we are still prescribed the epipen jr.  I have never heard of using a syringe...maybe get a second opinion?
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  • DS has an Epi Pen Jr. and is 24 lbs.
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  • DD has an Epi Pen Jr and is 28 lbs.  However, she has had it since she was 14 months old and was about 21 lbs.
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  • DS has had the Epi Pen Jr since he was 12 months and 22 lbs.
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  • Maybe it's because she is SO small ... she is just now 17/18 pounds at 14 months.  I think I'll call the allergist on Monday to talk about it, and maybe get a second opinion.  I'm having a hard time seeing how the .15 mg dose in the epi jr (up from the prescribed .1 mg dose) would be more dangerous than potentially not getting the epi at all.  

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    Me: 28, DH: 33
    Conceived DD in <1yr w/o assistance
    TTC#2 since 11/2013
    DX: PCOS
    Benched pending conf of Rubella immunity
    Next Cycle: CLOMID round 1

  • I barely ever post but my son was prescribed the epipen jr at 11 months and about the same weight as your daughter (~18lbs).  Our pharmacist said my son was definitely under the weight limit but the jr is the smallest dose available and it was obviously better to get too much than nothing.  We were told the risks were potential heart problems due to receiving too high of a dose, but there was no other option.  We just hope we never have to use it.
  • I posted before but just wanted to say that our allergist has said it is extremely rare to have major problems form epi and she has said that in the case of severe anaphylaxis would could give DS epi every 15 mniuts up to 4x.  I would think think 1 dose would be ok...not a doctor though.
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  • di0607di0607 member
    We got a single pack around 6-8 months (15-18 lbs) and the next time I refilled the rx they gave me a double pack. I would ask for the epi pen, something is better than nothing at that point. Does this allergist routinely see children?
  • imagedi0607:
    Does this allergist routinely see children?

    She does ... the majority of her practice is children.  That's why I didn't think anything of it at first.  I'm definitely going to talk to her more about it.  I don't know that I'm going to find any child care provider willing to administer epinephrine without the epipen ... and even if they're willing to do it, it makes me nervous to make it so much more complicated for them.  

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    Me: 28, DH: 33
    Conceived DD in <1yr w/o assistance
    TTC#2 since 11/2013
    DX: PCOS
    Benched pending conf of Rubella immunity
    Next Cycle: CLOMID round 1

  • Jen748Jen748 member

    DD was 2 and maybe 24 pounds when she got her EPI jrs.

    I would get a second opinion. I would NOT be okay with drawing up the meds in a syringe.

  • Sorry I am late to this - I have the same equipment you do - a syringe and needle. We got it when DD was 14 pounds, and she's probably about 17 pounds now. My pedi and the allergist both thought this was better for her weight, and the allergist showed me, my husband, and my mom (DCP) how to administer it. I don't go to a traditional daycare, so I can't help you there - just wanted to let you know that the vial of epinephren IS normal treatment for babies this small.
    Mom to E, 11/2011 - Severe egg & dairy allergies, soy intolerance *** Stepmom to G, 2001
  • N is 15 months and 24 lbs and they prescribed the Epi Pen Jr for him. 

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  • DD got an Epi Pen Jr at 9 months.  She was on the bigger side though. 

    I know that some school nurses carry the vial because at elementary/middle schools, there are some kids that would need the epi jr and some that would need the regular epi dosage.  So, rather than carrying two or more around (two expiring, etc), they carry the vial and syringe.

  • When DD was diag w/ her allergies and prescribed her epi pen, she was 2 and around 20 lbs.  
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  • imageChristine&Mario:
    Sorry I am late to this - I have the same equipment you do - a syringe and needle. We got it when DD was 14 pounds, and she's probably about 17 pounds now. My pedi and the allergist both thought this was better for her weight, and the allergist showed me, my husband, and my mom (DCP) how to administer it. I don't go to a traditional daycare, so I can't help you there - just wanted to let you know that the vial of epinephren IS normal treatment for babies this small.

    Thanks!  It does make me feel a bit better to know someone else's doc had the same idea.  I'm going to keep reading more about it.  I called the allergist today, and she flat out refused to prescribe the epipen jr, she does not feel comfortable with the higher dose at my daughter's weight.  I plan to ask more questions about her concerns when I have the face to face follow up with her in a couple of weeks.   

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    Me: 28, DH: 33
    Conceived DD in <1yr w/o assistance
    TTC#2 since 11/2013
    DX: PCOS
    Benched pending conf of Rubella immunity
    Next Cycle: CLOMID round 1

  • We got the Epi Pen Jr, there was never any doubt about it.
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  • Aidan was 18lbs when we got his epi pen jr.  It was given to us by one of the best hospitals in the country (CHOP) so I can't imagine it's actually unsafe for him.
    ~Mom to an amazing Jan 2011 boy~
    ~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~

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  • DS is 19lbs, 6 months old.  We left the pedi at his 6 mo wellness visit with a rx for epi jr.  I haven't filled it yet (it really is just in case, he doesn't have severe allergies at this point...just a sensitivity) but will soon since we are experimenting with solids.
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