The first year, using $0.24/diaper I will save about $170.00.
That is not going the cheapest routes with buying diapers (BG, swaddlebees, etc/new vs second-hand) and allowing for the purchase of 7 more diapers! NB stash and OS stash...
Then next two years/ subsequent children for free... (provided I can stop shopping )
Re: CD calculator
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

CDs have been way cheaper for us than sposies. I've probably spent about $1500 total. Then I sold 24 that he outgrew and made all my $ back plus some (cuz CD mamas be cray-cray over some discontinued patterns).
Plus we save in garbage service. We have so little garbage DH is able to take one bag a week to work for free and they don't mind. So yeah... $$$$ saved here!