Cloth Diapering

CD calculator

The first year, using $0.24/diaper I will save about $170.00.

That is not going the cheapest routes with buying diapers (BG, swaddlebees,  etc/new vs second-hand) and allowing for the purchase of 7 more diapers!  NB stash and OS stash...

Then next two years/ subsequent children for free... (provided I can stop shopping Stick out tongue)




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Re: CD calculator

  • Yeah, CDing is not cheaper for us.  It will be over 2+ years.  But, start-up was def. more than buying disposables for 1 year.  That's okay.  It's not the only reason we do it. 
    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • CDs have been way cheaper for us than sposies. I've probably spent about $1500 total. Then I sold 24 that he outgrew and made all my $ back plus some (cuz CD mamas be cray-cray over some discontinued patterns). 

    Plus we save in garbage service. We have so little garbage DH is able to take one bag a week to work for free and they don't mind. So yeah... $$$$ saved here!  

    SEAHAWKS! And... Macklemore. Seattle's WINNING! 
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  • I definitely don't think we'll end up saving tons of money...especially now that I know our second will come when our first is 15 months old.  And they'll both be in I had to buy a whole additional stash of pockets.  But like PP said, that's not the only reason we use them, so I'm okay with that.  And I don't think we'll miss the mark TOO much on cost anyway.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Apparently it will cost me $27 more to CD this first year of DS's life. I didn't go the cheap route, either--all BG 4.0s and elementals. Oh well, it's just more motivation to take really good care of the diapers so I can use them for future children. 
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  • I have spent less than $400...although I think that is a high estimate.  Now I want to go add it up!  I have enough dipes for her first year, and then about 2/3rds of what I will need as far as hybrids/AI2/Pockets for when she is bigger.  My baby poops A LOT.  We used sposies for the first 13 days until her stump fell off b/c she was so tiny that my cloth rubbed against it...during those 13 days we went through 6 packs of diapers between pees and poops.  That would be $66.  I am sure that I will save!  I did buy most of my dipes on ebay or clearance (all new), and scored some brand new at the local consignment shop.  I am using Flips, Econobums, NuBunz, BabyLand, Alva, BumG, Fuzzibunz, and right now prefolds and covers, and a WAHM fitteds.
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