Baby Names

Ariel for a boy?

We're looking for boy names that work well with both Jewish and Hispanic traditions.  DH really likes Ariel, which is a pretty common boys name in South America, but I'm concerned that whenever anyone just sees the name written, they'll assume he's a girl.  What do you think?
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Re: Ariel for a boy?

  • I think he would be assumed as a girl as well, living in the US or Canada, which is unfortunate. 

  • I think the Little Mermaid jokes would run rampant during his childhood.

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  • Yeah, he'll be teased. Sorry :(
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  • Sounds great to me!

    I've known several Israeli Ariel's (boys) and two Hispanic Ariel's (boys too!).  

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  • I've also known male Ariels.  Most went by Ari, for short.
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  • ZimgerZimger member

    I would hesitate to use it, but I thnk there is something to be said for culture and the traditions therein (and that includes names). The choice is ultimately up to you and if it fits, use it. There is always a chance of teasing with almost any name. But honestly when children tease (and even bully) it usually has less to do with the name and more to do with other factors (family status/socioeconomic status). I dislike to see a culture be pushed aside due to pop culture.

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  • It's a girls name.
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  • imagejhb619:
    We're looking for boy names that work well with both Jewish and Hispanic traditions.  DH really likes Ariel, which is a pretty common boys name in South America, but I'm concerned that whenever anyone just sees the name written, they'll assume he's a girl.  What do you think?


    I would have the same concern.   

    ETA:  I do know several boys named Ari. 


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  • Unfortunately, I do think people will assume girl and / or associate it with The Little Mermaid, but if you love it and it has cultural significance to you, go for it. You can always use Ari as others have suggested as a nickname which is more associated with boys.
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    March 11, 2014 ovulated despite every doctors prognosis!!!
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  • I really like Ari as a standalone name! It's nice, underused and easy to pronounce in English and Spanish.
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  • jhb619jhb619 member

    I would hesitate to use it, but I thnk there is something to be said for culture and the traditions therein (and that includes names). The choice is ultimately up to you and if it fits, use it. There is always a chance of teasing with almost any name. But honestly when children tease (and even bully) it usually has less to do with the name and more to do with other factors (family status/socioeconomic status). I dislike to see a culture be pushed aside due to pop culture.

    Thanks.  I appreciate your point of view.

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  • jhb619jhb619 member

    It's a girls name.

    Actually, it's only been a girl's name in recent times. 

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  • I like it as a boys name. I knew a male Ariel in high school and I thought it was cool (I think he or his family was from Argentina or something). But yeah, people are going to assume girl. I think this is one of the few names that can genuinely swing both ways (although I prefer Arielle for girls), but you'll have to be prepared for some confusion and (sadly, because people are sexist and undervalue women in our society) some teasing. 
  • jhb619jhb619 member
    I like Ari as a stand alone name, but DH prefers Ariel.  Maybe I can convince him...
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  • Not only do I think people will assume girl, but I think he will get teased relentlessly. If you plan to live in South America no problem. But I really think it would be a bad idea to live in the States and to name a boy Ariel (many people think it would be hard to live with that association as a girl, let alone a boy).
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  • imageMissHoppy:
    I've also known male Ariels.  Most went by Ari, for short.
    I think that's the only way I'd use the name in the States or in Canada. 
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  • Pick something else.  I'm sure there are plenty of others without giving the poor boy this name in the US.  How about a fn that is Hispanic and mn Jewish, or the other way around obviously?

  • imageSouthernBellaKS:
    I think the Little Mermaid jokes would run rampant during his childhood.


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  • imageSouthernBellaKS:
    I think the Little Mermaid jokes would run rampant during his childhood.


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  • It is seen as a girl name here in the states. Its great to have cultural significance, but your child will probably be teased. I had a student named Rene this year. Kids would always say, "Isn't that a girl name?" He told me he'd rather go by his middle name (Miguel) because it wasn't a girl name. Probably wherever his parents came from (they were from a South American country), it was very popular for boys, but not here in the states.
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  • I think you should go for it, its a lovely name and many other males have survived with it as a name
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  • jhb619jhb619 member

    Thanks for all the opinions.  It's interesting to hear what people say.  I honestly never would have thought of the Little Mermaid, given that it's so old, and I don't even know it will be relevant in a few years, but it's an interesting perspective. 

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  • I love it! It was one of my favorite student's names and he said it with a little bit of an accent and somehow that made it seem very macho and so cute! I never heard him get teased at all.
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  • And btw, LO is just Ari. Everyone says they LOVE his name and I love the Hebrew translation. 

    I know a lot of Argentinian Jews and they have very traditional Hispanic names with super Jewish last names- think Pablo Rubenstein, Marco Schwartz, etc.   

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  • I definitely respect the cultural significance behind it, but I just dont think I could name a boy Ariel, living in the US.  It's definitely a girls name, here.  Teasing can and will happen to every child, but I just personally think giving a boy that name is making it harder than it needs to be on him. 

    As for the Little Mermaid, it may be old, but it's still a very relevant movie with kids.  I had two little girls in Ariel costumes at my door this last Halloween, and every little kid I personally know loves the movie, boy and girl alike.   It's classic Disney, now, and not likely to go anywhere anytime soon. 


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  • imageZimger:

    I would hesitate to use it, but I thnk there is something to be said for culture and the traditions therein (and that includes names). The choice is ultimately up to you and if it fits, use it. There is always a chance of teasing with almost any name. But honestly when children tease (and even bully) it usually has less to do with the name and more to do with other factors (family status/socioeconomic status). I dislike to see a culture be pushed aside due to pop culture.


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  • I think it's a cool name, and I also like Ari as a NN. I am a huge fan of unisex names however.

    I do think he may get confused for a girl, but I have a unisex name and get confused for a boy all the time. I don't think my parents subjected me to anything horrible by giving me a unisex name - no resentment here and I am considering unisex names for my LO. 

  • I totally disagree with a majority of the posters. I live in a heavily Jewish area. Ariel is totally a boy's name to me! And I love the NN potential of Ari. Most girls I know are Arielle, not Ariel.

    I don't think he's set up for a "lifetime of teasing" this is not even in the same realm as naming a boy Kelly, Ashley or Shannon these days. The name is so uncommon to begin with.

    I really like it on a boy.

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  • Maybe it's a regional thing? I grew up in Texas and now currently live in Oklahoma, and I've yet to meet a female Ariel, but I've known several male Ariels. All of them were of either Middle Eastern, South American, or Mexican decent. So to me, Ariel is a boy's name.

    As for the teasing...yeah, if it isn't the name, it'll be something else. Unless you're picking something truly awful, like Analisa Joy (which really is some unfortunate girl's name) or the infamous Sh*thead (which I sincerely believe to be an urban legend or something), I wouldn't let the possibility of teasing push me away.

    Then again, I'm probably setting my daughter up for some Little Mermaid teasing, so take my thoughts for whatever they're worth! lol

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