My husband is hispanic, and we have a last name that is common in Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian cultures. While I had no problem thinking of girls names that went with our last name (pretty much anything that ends in 'a' sound good with it, as well as many others), we just found out we're having a boy(!) and I just don't like a lot of the boys names that seem to 'go' with our last name. For boys names I prefer traditional or biblical names. Any suggestions?
Re: Boy name trouble
Thanks for the suggestions. We both really like Luca, but the other "issue" is that I'm trying to maintain some of my Jewish heritage with the name, so that it reflects both of our backgrounds. I'm not sure Luca does that. Some of those other names do (like Daniel, David, Ezra, Gabriel), but we just don't love them. I seem to be stuck on other E names -- like Eli or Elias. DH likes Ariel, and it's a fairly common boys name in South American countries, but I just don't see it as a great boy name here.