Cloth Diapering

Woollybottoms vs WCW- sizing ?

We are currently using size Medium WCW soaker. The rise is 19". LO is tall and slim but also a super heavy wetter so her night time diaper is super stuffed. I am considering moving to the Medium Long to make sure I can get the waist high enough over her diaper. My question is for those who have used Woollybottoms. All her measurements would fit well into their medium (she is only 17lbs!). But I'm worried about the rise only being 18" when I am already using 19" on the rise and considering moving to a 20" rise. Any thoughts from experienced Woollybottoms users?
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Re: Woollybottoms vs WCW- sizing ?

  • I really do not know what the rise on mine are, but my DD just moved up to a medium wollybottoms. She is about 19.5 lbs and 30 inches. She wears Twinkie Tush at night and the wollybottom medium fits her great with lots of growing room.
  • imagegraymom2:
    I really do not know what the rise on mine are, but my DD just moved up to a medium wollybottoms. She is about 19.5 lbs and 30 inches. She wears Twinkie Tush at night and the wollybottom medium fits her great with lots of growing room.

    This is great feedback, thanks! 

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  • My super chub DS is almost 30 pounds and still wears M. He also wears a Twinkie Tush to bed. I find that the WB soakers vary in both size and stretchiness, depending what wool is used (i should point out I only have the upcycled wool from WB and do not own any WCW).
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  • imagegraymom2:
    I really do not know what the rise on mine are, but my DD just moved up to a medium wollybottoms. She is about 19.5 lbs and 30 inches. She wears Twinkie Tush at night and the wollybottom medium fits her great with lots of growing room.

    This describes DD as well. She still has tons of room to grow with her woollybottoms soaker in her TT NN. We can still use our small cover when she's wearing a less bulky fitted!!

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