Baby Names

Dallas for a girl??

I really like this name for a girl and I know some of you will hate it. But I want to pair it with a girly middle name. Any suggestions??

Re: Dallas for a girl??

  • I don't hate it, but it does sounds kind of strippery.

  • imageg8trkim:
    I don't hate it, but it does sounds kind of strippery.

    In the other Dallas thread below, someone said it was the name of one of the gyus in Magic Mike. So, male and stripper.  

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  • I thought Dallas Vivienne first. How about:

    Dallas Claire

    Dallas Penelope

    Dallas Brynn

    Dallas Sophia

    Dallas Zoe

  • I like it, but it doesn't matter whether or not we like the name. It's going to be your kid. 
  • Not a fan. How about Dahlia? That would sound so pretty with your DD's name.
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  • It's awful. And strippery.
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  • I like Dalis (spelled like this) and I love that name for a girl.    
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  • I don't like this as a name. If I heard it on a baby I would assume it was a boy.

    EDTI I wanted to add that PP had a good idea, Dahlia is a pretty name.

  • salt78salt78 member

    My first thought was that she wouldn't even need to come up with a stage name.

    I can't suggest anything that goes with it. It's just too awful. 

    I like PPs suggestion of Dahlia. Also Delilah, Delia, or Danica 

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  • imageg8trkim:
    I don't hate it, but it does sounds kind of strippery.


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  • imagechibride4:
    Not a fan. How about Dahlia? That would sound so pretty with your DD's name.

    I agree with this.  I am not usually that picky about matching sibsets, but Annabelle is so pretty and feminine that Dallas just sounds weird to me for her younger sister.

    Regardless of your first name choice, are there any women's names in your families you could use as a middle name?  I always feel odd suggesting middle names to complete strangers, because to me that's a spot that should be used for something meaningful.

    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • As someone who lives in the Dallas area, I cannot stand this name on a child.  I had FOUR children named Dallas in my classes this year.  I'm just not a fan.  To me, it's a city, not a child's name.

  • imagechibride4:
    Not a fan. How about Dahlia? That would sound so pretty with your DD's name.

    I thought this was a funny suggestion because on the show Suburgarory there is a character names Dallas and her daughter is named Dahlia.

    Im not a fan of Dallas on a girl (it makes me think of the original porm Debbie Does Dallas).  Love Dahlia though. 


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  • imagechibride4:
    Not a fan. How about Dahlia? That would sound so pretty with your DD's name.

    How would you pronounce that?

  • imageNayna1mom:
    I like Dalis (spelled like this) and I love that name for a girl.    

    Oh I like that spelling much better! Thanks :)

  • I hate it and also think stripper. I don't get why people think using a strange name and adding a pretty mn makes it better. No one ever uses a mn in every day life. Just give her a nice fn so you don't have to "make up" anything with the mn. I agree with Dahlia, that's really pretty.
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  • imageg8trkim:
    I don't hate it, but it does sounds kind of strippery.

    That's what I was thinking!

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  • Well, she won't have to change her name to start stripping or go into porn...sorry, but it's just bad and cheesy all around.
  • imageNayna1mom:
    I like Dalis (spelled like this) and I love that name for a girl.    


  • imagenikki&timothy:

    I like Dalis (spelled like this) and I love that name for a girl.    

    Oh I like that spelling much better! Thanks :)

    I would pronounce that with a long A (DALE-iss).

    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • I have a friend named Dallas...she spells it DALYCE.




  • salt78salt78 member
    How about D'Alice?
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  • imageNayna1mom:
    I like Dalis (spelled like this) and I love that name for a girl.    

    Like Ryan's new gf on Teen Mom?


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  • I like it.

    I have friends who named their daughter Dallas for a variety of reasons.

    1. On a resume, they won't know if she's a woman or a man and her credentials will speak for themselves.

    2. No one has to ask how to spell it or pronounce it.

    3. If you give her a very feminine middle name she can always go by that if she doesn't like Dallas.

    BTW.. I named my daugher Sydney Camille for those very same reasons listed above.

  • imageg8trkim:
    I don't hate it, but it does sounds kind of strippery.

    my first thought was "if you want her to be a stripper"  

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