January 2012 Moms

CO Shooting

Yeah, not baby related, but I have a friend there I haven't been able to get in touch with I'm worried sick about.


There was a shooting at a movie theater in Colorado.  They were showing an early morning showing of the new Batman movie.  14 are dead, 50 are injured.

I have a friend who moved to the exact city this happened.  It's too early in the morning to try calling him, but this is the kind of movie he would go see for a midnight release.  I hope he's ok...

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Re: CO Shooting

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    I've been watching coverage all morning. I truly hope you're able to get in touch with your friend and all is well.

    It's just so, so senseless. 

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    Oh no! I hope your friend is OK!

    These things are just so sad and scary... Did you hear that one of the injured is a 6 year old child? What the F is a kid doing at a midnight showing! That made me so mad

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    lp0lp0 member

    I just woke up and saw this happened. What is wrong with people?! I don't know if it's because I'm a mother now but stuff like like scares the hell out of me now (not that I wasn't appalled before its just now it gives me anxiety).

     I hope your friend is ok. I read the youngest victim was a 3 month old baby :( 

    "Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you but if u turn your attention to other things it will come & sit softly on your shoulder."

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    lp0lp0 member

    Oh no! I hope your friend is OK!

    These things are just so sad and scary... Did you hear that one of the injured is a 6 year old child? What the F is a kid doing at a midnight showing! That made me so mad

    Exactly! That's what I thought too, especially for the 3 month old. Who takes a 3 month old to see a movie at midnight! 

    "Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you but if u turn your attention to other things it will come & sit softly on your shoulder."

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    My friend messaged me back.  He is ok, so I can breathe easier now.

    I can imagine how disorienting it probably was at first.  We don't think about the possibility of IRL violence while in a movie theater.  Plus the stadium seating probably made everyone all too easy targets.

    I agree the 6 year old shouldn't have been there, but I think that's another discussion entirely.

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    Oh no! I hope your friend is OK!

    These things are just so sad and scary... Did you hear that one of the injured is a 6 year old child? What the F is a kid doing at a midnight showing! That made me so mad

    Exactly! That's what I thought too, especially for the 3 month old. Who takes a 3 month old to see a movie at midnight! 

    OMG A 3 month old?!?! I didn't hear that :( Was the baby injured or killed? I want to cry that is insane! When I was living in Cali I'd see babies in late night showings all the time. Not that a 3 month old belongs in a theater either way.


    NAMARA! I'm SO happy your friend is OK!

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    I'm so glad your friend is safe Namara.

    This is such a senseless awful act. My heart goes out to the families of the victims. 

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    So happy your friend is ok!!! I was just thinking the same thing "what are kids doing at midnight showings?" Overall a sad situation smh!
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    Glad your friend is ok, this is such a tradegty. 
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    For those of you making comments about kids being at a midnight showing, you suck.  There is nothing wrong with bringing a child or a baby to a movie theater, unless someone comes in and shoots up the place.  It was a movie theater, not a bar.  Get over yourselves. 
    image. image. image.
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    For those of you making comments about kids being at a midnight showing, you suck.  There is nothing wrong with bringing a child or a baby to a movie theater, unless someone comes in and shoots up the place.  It was a movie theater, not a bar.  Get over yourselves. 


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    For those of you making comments about kids being at a midnight showing, you suck.  There is nothing wrong with bringing a child or a baby to a movie theater, unless someone comes in and shoots up the place.  It was a movie theater, not a bar.  Get over yourselves. 

     Lurker here...A child or baby being in a movie theater isn't the odd part, who takes a 6 year old or a 4 month old baby to a midnight showing of a movie?  And Dark Knight at that? I have a SS who is 7 and I find it highly inappropriate for him to see the movie let alone at a midnight showing.   

    NOT the point.  Someone's child has been harmed or killed by a madman and the response is to get all judgy on their parenting skills- a theater, in general, should not be a dangerous place.  I'm not saying I'd take my kid to a midnight showing, but that;s just so flucking far from the point.  Such a parenting decision in other contexts might warrant a side eye at best. In this scenario, a little sensitivity and compassion doesn't seem unreasonable.  For fracking reals?


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    For those of you making comments about kids being at a midnight showing, you suck.  There is nothing wrong with bringing a child or a baby to a movie theater, unless someone comes in and shoots up the place.  It was a movie theater, not a bar.  Get over yourselves. 



    I also agree.. However.. batman? Meh.. I wouldn't take my child to a move like that with out seeing a review on how 6-yr-old worthy it is.  

    As long as munchkins are well behaved. If you're child is a terror.. then no.. they don't belong.  

    My main point of commenting and being upset about people brining a child/baby to a lateshow in this particular case is that the tragedy could have been prevented. I know it's a rather irrational way to think of it and I woudl certainly not blame the barents for it or say well if you hadn't taken your kid there he'she would be ok now. That would be a horrible thing to say! What those parents need now is support and I'd give them nothing else. But it's this frustration part in me that wants to yell in general, know what I mean??

    Besides that there is a reason I think why there are movie ratings and why those movies also have late showings which are clearly not appropriate for kids. BUT if your child is quiet and I can watch the movie in peace, I don't care, it's your child! But a lot more times than not, they are a distraction and the reason for that is that the movie just isn't mean for kids. Especially movies like Batman, for a 6 yearold that could be quite the scary exprience.

    But really those are two different topics.

    Long story short, I feel for those parents and they shouldn't be blamed for what happened as YES a theater should be a safe place for anybody at any time!

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    For those of you making comments about kids being at a midnight showing, you suck.  There is nothing wrong with bringing a child or a baby to a movie theater, unless someone comes in and shoots up the place.  It was a movie theater, not a bar.  Get over yourselves. 



    I also agree.. However.. batman? Meh.. I wouldn't take my child to a move like that with out seeing a review on how 6-yr-old worthy it is.  

    As long as munchkins are well behaved. If you're child is a terror.. then no.. they don't belong.  

    My main point of commenting and being upset about people brining a child/baby to a lateshow in this particular case is that the tragedy could have been prevented. I know it's a rather irrational way to think of it and I woudl certainly not blame the barents for it or say well if you hadn't taken your kid there he'she would be ok now. That would be a horrible thing to say! What those parents need now is support and I'd give them nothing else. But it's this frustration part in me that wants to yell in general, know what I mean??

    Besides that there is a reason I think why there are movie ratings and why those movies also have late showings which are clearly not appropriate for kids. BUT if your child is quiet and I can watch the movie in peace, I don't care, it's your child! But a lot more times than not, they are a distraction and the reason for that is that the movie just isn't mean for kids. Especially movies like Batman, for a 6 yearold that could be quite the scary exprience.

    But really those are two different topics.

    Long story short, I feel for those parents and they shouldn't be blamed for what happened as YES a theater should be a safe place for anybody at any time!

    Now here is my difference of opinion, I was simply stating a child in a movie that is intended for adults that starts a midnight is not exactly appropriate.  Not commenting at all about the tragedy.  The shooting could have happened at a mid-day showing of Ice Age for god sakes, I was simply stating that it is odd to hear of an infant and 6 year old at a midnight premier of the Dark Knight...

    Oh I understand that as well and agree!

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    And for those of you with your big, pointy noses in the air, the movie is rated PG 13.  Not R.
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    I hadn't heard that the six year old died. That's heartbreaking. I can't imagine their anguish right now. 
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    It is wrong to place your child in a situation that is known to be dangerous.  Taking your kid to a crackhouse?  Dangerous.  Having a bottle of wine and driving home with your baby?  Dangerous.  Leaving your kid in the car while you shop?  Dangerous.  Staying with an abusive husband that may hurt your kid one day?  Dangerous.

    Going to a movie?  NOT DANGEROUS!!!!  Maybe I wouldn't take my baby to a midnight show but shame on anyone who acts as if that mother put her kid in harms way or in a dangerous situation.

    And to those who say a baby should never be in a theater??  Should I also never be allowed to fly on a plane?  Should I not be able to go out to eat?  God forbid I annoy someone.  My baby saw a matinee and she slept half the movie, watched the rest and only cried the last ten minutes, when I immediately left the theater so the ten people in there could watch in peace.

    For the record it was a rated R movie, Magic Mike, and my baby clapped when Matthew Mcconaughey came on screen.  So judge away...I am a terrible parent.


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    Rsoc23Rsoc23 member

    It is wrong to place your child in a situation that is known to be dangerous.  Taking your kid to a crackhouse?  Dangerous.  Having a bottle of wine and driving home with your baby?  Dangerous.  Leaving your kid in the car while you shop?  Dangerous.  Staying with an abusive husband that may hurt your kid one day?  Dangerous.

    Going to a movie?  NOT DANGEROUS!!!!  Maybe I wouldn't take my baby to a midnight show but shame on anyone who acts as if that mother put her kid in harms way or in a dangerous situation.

    And to those who say a baby should never be in a theater??  Should I also never be allowed to fly on a plane?  Should I not be able to go out to eat?  God forbid I annoy someone.  My baby saw a matinee and she slept half the movie, watched the rest and only cried the last ten minutes, when I immediately left the theater so the ten people in there could watch in peace.

    For the record it was a rated R movie, Magic Mike, and my baby clapped when Matthew Mcconaughey came on screen.  So judge away...I am a terrible parent.

    HAHA! your daughter is going to be a stripper. great parenting skills! lol 

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    Rsoc23Rsoc23 member

    For those of you making comments about kids being at a midnight showing, you suck.  There is nothing wrong with bringing a child or a baby to a movie theater, unless someone comes in and shoots up the place.  It was a movie theater, not a bar.  Get over yourselves. 



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    lp0lp0 member
    I'm sorry but I absolutely judge a parent who takes an infant and child to a movie at midnight. It was not a kids movie and it was at an inappropriate time. Had it been Ice Age at noon I would not judge their parenting choices but those children deserve to be safe at home in their beds at that time of night. Also if you saw those genius parents on ABC news tonight (see post above) I think I was right to judge them as parents. The father put his baby on the floor and ran out of the theater. Finally, commenting on those parents in no way takes away from the sadness and tragedy of what happened.
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    lp0lp0 member
    And the 6 year old child of these patents did not die. It was another 6 year old child. So incredibly sad!
    "Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it the more it will elude you but if u turn your attention to other things it will come & sit softly on your shoulder."

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