Baby Names

WDYT? honest opinions :)

Can anyone tell me their opinions on my girls name list? I do not mind popularity just wondering if you think the name is pretty or will age well or your general thoughts on each name thanks.


Madeline/Madelyn-haven't decided spelling.











Re: WDYT? honest opinions :)

  • I'm going to suggest Adelina (pronounced Ada-leena), I lived in Italy for a few years and heard it use there and loved it but wouldn't use it because the nn Addy is so popular, but because popularity is not an issue for you I thought you might like it. =)
    DD1 - 2010 TTC v2.0
  • Madeline/Madelyn-haven't decided spelling. - I have never really liked it but I guess it's ok

    Aubrey - Nice, but I prefer Audrey

    Isabelle/Isobel - Pretty

    Zoe - Pretty but not sure it'll age well

    Gemma - Don't like it

    Caroline - Pretty

    Adelaide - Don't like it

    Charlotte - Pretty

    Michaela - Not a fan

    Adeline - Don't like it


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  • Madeline/Madelyn-like Madeline Aubrey- dislike Isabelle/Isobel- like IsobelZoe- it's okGemma- dislikeCaroline- pretty Adelaide- love Charlotte- loveMichaela- dislike Adeline- like
    E 03.10
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  • I believe that the name pronounced Mah-duh-lynn is properly spelled Madeleine.

    Madeline is pronounced Mah-duh-line, like the little orphan in Paris who lives in a building covered with vines and walks in two straight lines.

    (I'm a teacher, and this drives me NUTS!)

    From your list, I LOVE Michaela, Adeline, and Charlotte. 

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  • I LOVE Caroline and Isabelle. I think they are beautiful and classic.  GL! 


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  • Agreed that Madeline/lyn are pronounced differently- I prefer Madeline. 

    Aubrey- dislike. A downmarket version of Audrey to me that gives off a trailer park vibe.

    Isabelle- pretty, I prefer this to Isabella  

    Gemma- I worked with one who was a total cow, so irrational dislike.

    Zoe- nms

    Caroline- pretty, like a lot

    Adelaide- ditto

    Charlotte- ditto

    Michaela- ok. This is the only spelling I like.  

    Adeline- not a fan 

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  • Madeline/Madelyn-haven't decided spelling. - I really like this name.  I prefer it spelled Madelyn.

     Aubrey- not a fan....

     Isabelle/Isobel - beautiful name.  Prefer to spell it Isabelle (and love Isabella!)

    Zoe -ok, but feel that it is very youthful and might not age so well.

    Gemma- Ok...NMS, though.

    Caroline- nice

     Adelaide - not a fan!.

     Charlotte- beautiful. 

    Michaela - OK, but don't love it.

     Adeline...not a fan of this one, either!

  • Madeline/Madelyn- don't like

     Aubrey- like

     Isabelle/Isobel- love Isobel

    Zoe- hate

    Gemma - love

    Caroline - love

     Adelaide - like

     Charlotte - like

    Michaela - don't really care for

     Adeline - like


  • Madeline/Madelyn is by far my favorite. I think that if you are pronouncing it with a LYN at the end, instead of LINE, you should spell it Madelyn, so that there is no confusion.

    I love Madelyn Charlotte or Madelyn Caroline.

  • My favorites are Caroline and Adelaide!
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  • Madeline/Madelyn-haven't decided spelling - I like Madeline, but not Madelyn.

    Aubrey - Not a fan, I prefer Audrey if anything.

    Isabelle/Isobel - Love Isabelle.

    Zoe - Don't love it, don't hate it.

    Gemma - Not a fan.

    Caroline - I like it.

    Adelaide - Sounds too much like a street name to me.

    Charlotte - I like it.

    Michaela - Love it.

    Adeline - Don't love it, don't hate it.

  • Madelyn- LOVE (prefer this spelling & this is my favorite of your names)

     Aubrey - so over this name, I have never liked it. I prefer Audrey

     Isabelle/Isobel- dislike

    Zoe- not my style

    Gemma - dislike

    Caroline- dislike

     Adelaide- dislike 

     Charlotte- LOVE 

    Michaela- OK

     Adeline- dislike


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  • Madeline/Madelyn-haven't decided spelling - I like them both but I would pronounce them differently... Madeline (mad-uh-line) and Madelyn (mad-uh-lynn)

    Aubrey - like

    Isabelle/Isobel - like both spellings, there's something really neat about Isobel but I would worry everyone would spell it wrong 

    Zoe - very cute

    Gemma - eh, it's alright

    Caroline - love

    Adelaide - don't like it

    Charlotte - like

    Michaela - really dislike

    Adeline - pretty (I would say ad-uh-line not ad-uh-lynn though)

  • Madeline - nice, but boring
    Aubrey - dislike; prefer Audrey
    Isabelle - nice, but boring
    Zoe - too trendy for my taste
    Gemma - like
    Caroline - LOVE
    Adelaide - nice
    Charlotte - I'm over it
    Michaela - it's okay, but at this point I have trouble separating it from all the Makayla/Mikayla/McKaylas out there
    Adeline - not a fan

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  • imageSimply Vintage Rose:

    Can anyone tell me their opinions on my girls name list? I do not mind popularity just wondering if you think the name is pretty or will age well or your general thoughts on each name thanks.


    Madeline/Madelyn-haven't decided spelling. - Too popular for my taste.

     Aubrey - not a fan

     Isabelle/Isobel - Prefer Isobel spelling, makes it stand out from all the other Isabelles.

    Zoe - nms

    Gemma - Love this!

    Caroline- Love!

     Adelaide - I would prefer Addilynn over Adelaide.

     Charlotte - Classicly beautiful name and not too common.

    Michaela - nms

     Adeline - Pretty


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  • imageJoy2611:

    I believe that the name pronounced Mah-duh-lynn is properly spelled Madeleine.

    Madeline is pronounced Mah-duh-line, like the little orphan in Paris who lives in a building covered with vines and walks in two straight lines.

    (I'm a teacher, and this drives me NUTS!)


    The Madeline spelling has several pronunciations, two of which are Mad-uh-lynn and mad-uh-line:


    I'd actually pronounce Madeleine as mad-uh-len, but it also has several pronunciations (

    Madeleine always seems to be pronounced Mad-uh-LINE, because of the French and German roots. Leine = Line

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  • I love them all except for Madeline and Aubrey.  Madeline is getting to trendy for my tastes and Aubrey is a boys name (and yes I know a teenaged boy named Aubrey).  

    What about Audrey instead? 


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  • imageprincessjenney:
    I'm going to suggest Adelina (pronounced Ada-leena), I lived in Italy for a few years and heard it use there and loved it but wouldn't use it because the nn Addy is so popular, but because popularity is not an issue for you I thought you might like it. =)

    I'm Italian and have 2 relatives by this name :-)

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  • I love Aubrey. Isobel is my daughters MN, so of course I love that as well.

  • imageSimply Vintage Rose:

    Can anyone tell me their opinions on my girls name list? I do not mind popularity just wondering if you think the name is pretty or will age well or your general thoughts on each name thanks.


    Madelyn -  love this name and spelling....nn either Maddy or Lyn or Lyni

     Aubrey - Love it!

     Adeline - I prefer Adalyn I am not sure  if thats they same pronunciation you are thinking


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