Secondary IF

HSG tomorrow...any advice

Im scared for the HSG.  I have put it off as after many ultrasounds and tests and my D&C in feb I was not up for anything else invasive.  Does it hurt?

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Re: HSG tomorrow...any advice

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    I just had mine on Tuesday. Honestly, it was not that bad - I wouldn't voluntarily sign up for one again, but for me, it was not much worse than a pap. My doctor told me to take 600 mg of ibuprofen an hour before my appointment, and I also took a Xanax to help calm my nerves. My nurse was very nice and explained exactly what was gong to happen and even offered to hold my hand, which I took her up on. They didn't let my husband come in with me because they said he didn't need to be exposed to the radiation, which made sense. I was most worried about the pain of inserting the catheter, but I felt nothing. I did cramp when they injected the dye, but it wasn't any worse than menstrual cramps and I'm sure the ibuprofen helped. All in all, once they got started it was over in less than 5 minutes. I hope that helps and sorry I rambled on! Be sure to post an update for us tomorrow!  
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    I wasn't given anything prior to my HSG.  I'm sure ibuprofen would've been helpful.  It did feel like bad cramps when they inserted the dye.  I don't get menstrual cramps, so for me it was really uncomfortable.  
    2nd ectopic resulted in loss of tube. HSG revealed remaining tube is "severely torqued".
    IVF #1: ER 03/29/10; ET 04/01/10: transferred 2 embies; Beta #1 (9dp3dt)- 45; Beta #2 (11dp3dt)- 91= BFP
    FET#1: ET 04/18/12: transferred 4 embies; Beta #1: >2 = BFN
    IVF #2: ER 06/20/12; ET 6/25/12: transferred 2 embies; Beta #1 on 7/5/12= BFN
    8/16: hysteroscopy for polyp removal
    11/11: hysteroscopy #2 for yet another polyp removal
    FET#2: ET 12/15/12: transferred 3 embies; Beta #1 (9dp5dt): 12/24/12: 426; Beta #2 (11dp5dt): 845= BFP
    u/s 1/9= triplets!; miscarried all three on 1/10/13...

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    Mine didn't hurt, but I was so scared I was shaking so bad they had to wait for me to calm down.  Definitely try to stay calm and breath.  I googled too much before my appointment and was terrified.  It's not that bad and it is done in minutes.  Good luck!


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    Pregnant with Letrazole (Femara) on the first cycle with DD after TTC 2+ years
    TTC#2 with Letrazole (Femara) since January 2012
    BFP 06.29.12 EDD 03.11.13 natural m/c 07.13.12
    BFP 09.22.12 EDD 05.31.13 natural m/c 10.07.12
    CP 11.09.12
    BFP 01.01.13 EDD 09.15.13 d&c 01.24.13

    BFP 03.26.13 EDD 12.04.13

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       Just wanted to see how your HSG went?

      I've had 2 and have a 3rd coming up soon, and I still find them incredibly traumatic. =)   I shake to the point to where I can hardly keep my feet in stirrups. =)
      I hope yours went well. <3
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