August 2011 Moms

1 Year appointment question

So E turns one on July 31!!!! ( I can't believe that monkey man is going to be one already!!!)

His one year appt is now August 21. They had to cancel our other appointment because our dr is on vacation ( Thank you because I made this appointment three months ago). Now the earliest I can get this DR is Aug 21. I love this dr but there are 4 others that I like too... There is one that I could care less about but whatever...

So finally the question. Do you feel that is too late of an appointment and would you go with another DR or wait almost a month from LO birthday to see the dr you like the best!. ( I do have questions for them...)



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Re: 1 Year appointment question

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    I thought our appointment was late too but the nurses stated it is standard. Our LO was born 8/19/11 and his 1year appointment is 8/31. So I am guessing it is fine. Curious to see what others say.
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    I know it has to be after their birthday due to the shots and whatnot... but almost a month.... I think that is a long time, they said it was ok... just wondering what people think about it.
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    My LO turned 1 June 29th.  I still haven't called to book his 1 year appt.  I think i will do that tomorrow.  Personally I don't think that it's too late. 
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    My DD turns 1 on Aug 29th, and her appt isn't until the 17th of September.  I also thought it was really weird for it to be so far in the future, but from asking around, apparently it is normal.  If I have any questions in the interim, they always tell me to feel free to call and ask, I don't have to wait until the appointment.  I am ok with waiting until I see our regular doctor, as long as there are no pressing health concerns. 
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    Thanks everyone. I guess the other appointments were so close. Glad to hear that everyone else thinks it is ok.... Can't believe ONE YEAR!!!!

    Have a great weekend!!

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    We just had to have ours reschduled because our MD is going out for surgery for the whole month, she said we could see another MD, but we love her and she knows all about him so the earliest they could give us is Sept 8th and his birthday is August 17, she said it was perfectly fine to be seen afterwards, some of his other check-ups were never right on the date either, sometimes 1-2 weeks after
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    I know it has to be after their birthday due to the shots and whatnot... but almost a month.... I think that is a long time, they said it was ok... just wondering what people think about it.

    Yea, the one year appt has be on or after their bday because of shots.  I personally would go sooner rather than later, unless of course the only available appointment was with a DR I didn't like. 

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    Logan turned 1 on June 27 and his appointment was July 12th which happened to be 1 year from when he was discharged from the NICU.  I would wait to see the doctor you like the best. I have learned my lesson recently...

    Recently Logan has been sick and it seemed like it had been 2 months of him being sick non-stop between fevers, coughs, congestion, you name it.  He was at the doctor 4 times in 3 weeks and we never really got answers except on the 4th visit they tested for pertussis which came back negative.  Every time we saw the doctor it was like they couldnt be bothered explaining what could be wrong.  We then went a couple weeks later for his 1 year appointment and he still had the cough.  We were scheduled with the doctor that I have always liked the best.  He actually took the time to go over what could be wrong and explain things to me and I felt 100% better, he also went ahead and wrote me up an order for a chest x-ray just to be sure.  It was a relief to have some explanation as to why logan was always coughing.  I will now only schedule visits with that doctor, unless its an emergency and he isnt available.

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    Olivia's 1 year isn't until august 29th and she turns 1 on the 12th. It doesn't matter too much as long as the appt is after their birthday.
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