I hate to diminish hope, but mine lasted through week 16. I took as much Zofran as they would let me, and like you, it didn't help. Mine started when I brushed my teeth in the morning and would last until I went to sleep. I am so sorry you have it so bad - I know how horrible it is. Hang in there, it should stop eventually!!!
I too had it all day long, with both my pregnancies... with the twins it lasted until probably around 16 weeks, which was when the heartburn began. Actually the two overlapped for a bit, it was pleasant, not....
I know how miserable you are, hang in there... this too shall pass!
I'm sorry. I remember those days. What helped me was a combination of b6 and Unisom (ask your dr for the exact dosage, I don't remember) and tons of Gatorade. I had it until about week 14, if I remember correctly. Just remember, this too shall pass (hopefully!!) hang in there!
4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?)
PAIF and SAIF welcome
With DD every day until hours before she was delivered. I was on zofran and phenegran. I was with a very hands off MW practice, who in retrospect were no where near aggressive enough in the treatment of that or other issues I had.
With these girls, I had a PICC line placed around 13 weeks for IV hydration and had a zofran pump running through it after being hospitalized for hyper emesis. Had the line removed around 15/16 weeks due to complications. Used the pump until around 18 weeks.It's gotten a lot better, but I'm still sick probably 3 days a week.
If it is hyper emesis you may want to check out helpher.org, another bumpie recommended that site to me and I found it very helpful. Hope you find relief and feel better soon.
I wish I had a happier story for you. Mine went away around 28 weeks for good. Zofran and I were BFFs. It was brutal. Hope it gets better for you soon!!
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This is bad, bad news. I was really hoping to hear that it subsides earlier! My OB was optimistic it would subside around 10 weeks (I have no idea why) but the thought of even another week like this is unbearable. Did you get used to it/more able to function over time? I'm practically bedridden at this point with nausea and can't clean or do much of anything...
I'm so sorry! Mine started at 6w, but was the worst between weeks 10-16. Unfortunately, the longest stretch I've gone without throwing up is 10 days around 22 weeks. I will say the nausea is better now and I go most days without throwing up. The heartburn has been what has been so bad lately. Even if it doesn't completely go away, it really should get better. And, I have to feel encouraged when my MFM and OB express shock that I am still sick. Surely, it goes away for most people! FX yours resolves soon!
TTC in 2009, Dx: Unexplained IF
Three TI cycles (BFP...miscarriage), five IUI attempts and 2.5 IVF cycles later...BFP!!
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
I don't think it gets easier over time, but you definitely get used to functioning around the constant puking and nausea. Just take it one day at a time. One day you'll wake up and it'll be over, I promise!
Mine eased up around mid to late 20's where I was mostly just vomiting after dinner.
Zofran helped but I still threw up with it.
Vitamin B6 25 mg three times daily can help. Can add Unisom 1/2 to 1 tab at bedtime (with PM dose of B6). That helped me a little as well. It used to be sold as a combo pill but is no longer sold in the US; it was meant specifically for vomting in pregnancy.
I stayed out of the hospital by sipping Gatorade.
I'm really really sorry. I got to the point where I vomitted in the shower because I was tired of peeing on myself constantly. I took a big stadium cup in the shower, throw up in the cup and just sit in the warm shower. I did that at least four times a day when I wasn't at work. It was the only place I felt decent. I also always went everywhere with a big plastic cup (driving, at work) because I vomitted so much.
I swore I'd never have more children based on how awful I felt. But you really do block it out.
It started getting better around 18 weeks. I would've been worse off without phenergan.
MFI and (now) AMA IVF 1 April 2011 - Cancelled IVF 1.5 July 2011 - MC IVF 2 October 2011 - BFP! *Identical Twin Boys born June 2012* Here we go again...IVF 3 is underway!
I had it all day long from week 5-26. Zofran stopped the vomiting. I basically just felt slightly nauseated all the time and threw up just a couple times a week on that, as opposted to several times a day. It was better than nothing though It will stop, good luck!
Mine started at 6.5weeks and was the worst from then till like 15 weeks. I got on Diclection at 10 weeks and completely weaned myself by 17 weeks. Now I'm dealing with heartburn which kind of makes me nauseous.
Mine lasted until 15/16 weeks for sure. I was on zofran 3x a day at it's worst. I weaned down to 2 pills around 17 weeks and then down to 1 pill between 18-20 weeks and dropped the last pill around 21 weeks. I have gotten sick a few times since, but not daily or regularly. I do have very bad heartburn now though and I think I have developed a milk sensitivity. And now I get full so easily - I get uncomfortable fast. Things have not been easy with food! The best weeks were when I was in Italy - weeks 18-20. I ate whatever I wanted, never got sick - it was fantastic!
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I think everybody is different. They say it's worse with twins and I think on the whole that's true but I was sicker with my singletons.
Make sure you are not getting dehydrated b/c it's a vicious cycle, the more dehydrated you are the more you will throw up. If you are at that point, just go get an I.V. You will feel lots better after a few bags of fluid.
Eat anything that sounds good to you at the moment it sounds good, keeping food in your stomach is key. Lots of people have luck with crackers or bread but I really believe whatever you crave is what your body needs. I also had luck sucking on hard candy or preggo pops. I read somewhere that lemonade was a good drink - and I don't normally love lemonade but it was one of the few things I could drink in the bad days.
It will end...hang in there.
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Mine also lasted until 16 weeks. I just woke up one day and didn't need to take my Zofran that morning and that as it. Zofran helped a lot for me, but only in that it took the edge off and let me keep down liquids. I had become terribly dehydrated and had to sit in the ER for 3 hours getting IV fluids, not much fun. It is really hard and I wish I had better news for you. Try different things to see if they help at all. For me I found that if I sucked on a Pep-o-mint candy it helped to ease the sickness when I really needed it, like I was out in public. I used to keep hands full of them in my coat pocket, purse, pants pocket. My uncle had passed away when I was about 11 weeks and I had to go to his memorial service. I remember sucking on those just to get through the service. Then when it was over, I went to the ladies room and puked. And then the pep-o-mints helped cover my breath, so they were really helpful.
Also lemon drops helped sometimes and I was able to keep very tart lemondae down for my liquids. I bought that Simply Lemonade in the orange juice section of the grocery store. Main thing is to not become dehydrated, it raises your blood pressure something fierce.
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Mine went away at 14-16 weeks. I felt I could eat all foods again by 18 weeks.
I had crippling m/s. I had it all day/all night. I could not throw up....it was unending nausea. I couldn't eat....I lost 6 pounds in a month and on many days didn't make it over 500 calories. My stomach just hurt like the flu if I tried to force food. Zofran did nothing. Unison helped a little.
The not eating combined with the high hormone levels is what probably caused my gall stone development.....I'm sorry you are dealing with this.
I'm so sorry. Mine was the worst from weeks 6 to 9 (when I felt like I did nothing but vomit) and then let up a little but I'm past 16 and still get sick. I get nausea every day now but I don't actually throw up nearly as often (maybe once a week). Plus, it helped to get into a routine with my medication that worked for me. Obviously, don't take my advice over your doc's but I took Zofran every 7 hours instead of 8 because I'd start to get sick if I waited the full 8. Then I'd take Phenergan in the evening, usually an hour or so before bedtime or earlier if I was really sick and just wanted to sleep instead of ride it out. Now I still do the Zofran but save the Phenergan for when I really feel crappy and am doing much better than before. I also recommend a stool softener for the Zofran... Good luck!
I hate to diminish hope, but mine lasted through week 16. I took as much Zofran as they would let me, and like you, it didn't help. Mine started when I brushed my teeth in the morning and would last until I went to sleep. I am so sorry you have it so bad - I know how horrible it is. Hang in there, it should stop eventually!!!
This exactly. Although I never physically got sick, the feeling was there 24/7. It was awful. I finally started feeling better around 16/17w. Hang in there!
Re: If you had awful morning sickness...
I too had it all day long, with both my pregnancies... with the twins it lasted until probably around 16 weeks, which was when the heartburn began. Actually the two overlapped for a bit, it was pleasant, not....
I know how miserable you are, hang in there... this too shall pass!
With DD every day until hours before she was delivered. I was on zofran and phenegran. I was with a very hands off MW practice, who in retrospect were no where near aggressive enough in the treatment of that or other issues I had.
With these girls, I had a PICC line placed around 13 weeks for IV hydration and had a zofran pump running through it after being hospitalized for hyper emesis. Had the line removed around 15/16 weeks due to complications. Used the pump until around 18 weeks.It's gotten a lot better, but I'm still sick probably 3 days a week.
If it is hyper emesis you may want to check out helpher.org, another bumpie recommended that site to me and I found it very helpful. Hope you find relief and feel better soon.
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
Hang in there.
Mine eased up around mid to late 20's where I was mostly just vomiting after dinner.
Zofran helped but I still threw up with it.
Vitamin B6 25 mg three times daily can help. Can add Unisom 1/2 to 1 tab at bedtime (with PM dose of B6). That helped me a little as well. It used to be sold as a combo pill but is no longer sold in the US; it was meant specifically for vomting in pregnancy.
I stayed out of the hospital by sipping Gatorade.
I'm really really sorry. I got to the point where I vomitted in the shower because I was tired of peeing on myself constantly. I took a big stadium cup in the shower, throw up in the cup and just sit in the warm shower. I did that at least four times a day when I wasn't at work. It was the only place I felt decent. I also always went everywhere with a big plastic cup (driving, at work) because I vomitted so much.
I swore I'd never have more children based on how awful I felt. But you really do block it out.
IVF 1 April 2011 - Cancelled
IVF 1.5 July 2011 - MC
IVF 2 October 2011 - BFP!
*Identical Twin Boys born June 2012*
Here we go again...IVF 3 is underway!
I had it all day long from week 5-26. Zofran stopped the vomiting. I basically just felt slightly nauseated all the time and threw up just a couple times a week on that, as opposted to several times a day. It was better than nothing though It will stop, good luck!
PAIF and SAIF welcome. IVF questions welcome, too.
I think everybody is different. They say it's worse with twins and I think on the whole that's true but I was sicker with my singletons.
Make sure you are not getting dehydrated b/c it's a vicious cycle, the more dehydrated you are the more you will throw up. If you are at that point, just go get an I.V. You will feel lots better after a few bags of fluid.
Eat anything that sounds good to you at the moment it sounds good, keeping food in your stomach is key. Lots of people have luck with crackers or bread but I really believe whatever you crave is what your body needs. I also had luck sucking on hard candy or preggo pops. I read somewhere that lemonade was a good drink - and I don't normally love lemonade but it was one of the few things I could drink in the bad days.
It will end...hang in there.
Mine also lasted until 16 weeks. I just woke up one day and didn't need to take my Zofran that morning and that as it. Zofran helped a lot for me, but only in that it took the edge off and let me keep down liquids. I had become terribly dehydrated and had to sit in the ER for 3 hours getting IV fluids, not much fun. It is really hard and I wish I had better news for you. Try different things to see if they help at all. For me I found that if I sucked on a Pep-o-mint candy it helped to ease the sickness when I really needed it, like I was out in public. I used to keep hands full of them in my coat pocket, purse, pants pocket. My uncle had passed away when I was about 11 weeks and I had to go to his memorial service. I remember sucking on those just to get through the service. Then when it was over, I went to the ladies room and puked. And then the pep-o-mints helped cover my breath, so they were really helpful.
Also lemon drops helped sometimes and I was able to keep very tart lemondae down for my liquids. I bought that Simply Lemonade in the orange juice section of the grocery store. Main thing is to not become dehydrated, it raises your blood pressure something fierce.
I'm really sorry. It's awful.
Mine went away at 14-16 weeks. I felt I could eat all foods again by 18 weeks.
I had crippling m/s. I had it all day/all night. I could not throw up....it was unending nausea. I couldn't eat....I lost 6 pounds in a month and on many days didn't make it over 500 calories. My stomach just hurt like the flu if I tried to force food. Zofran did nothing. Unison helped a little.
The not eating combined with the high hormone levels is what probably caused my gall stone development.....I'm sorry you are dealing with this.
Now I still do the Zofran but save the Phenergan for when I really feel crappy and am doing much better than before. I also recommend a stool softener for the Zofran...
Good luck!