
Talk to me about biting- 11months

Any tips on dealing with biting? My boys are 11 months and biting like crazy- each other, me, DH, even the dog if he sits still too long! Sometimes it's after one steals a toy from the other, but often it's just random. They'll lean in to give me a slobbery kiss and then bite!

After being home with them a full year, they start FT daycare in Sept. Not sure the biting is going to make them very popular!

TTC for 3 years. Finally successful after 5 IUIs and 2 cycles of IVF. Our amazing twins were born 5 weeks early on 8/16/11. Found out April 2012 that our di/di twins are ID.

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Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: Talk to me about biting- 11months

  • One of my girls was a biter. The only helpful thing I can say is it's a phase, and at least for us it didn't last very long. 

    If we saw it coming, we'd try to intercept her and tell her no. They don't really get it at that age, but we were just consistent, tried to redirect her from whatever was frustrating her, and move on.

    Although a few weeks ago I went to kiss her goodnight and she bit my lower lip. It's been ages since she's bitten, and I think it surprised us both, LOL.  

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  • I found the swiftest and most effective way to get my girls to stop doing anything unacceptable was to treat them like normal coherent children and show them that their behaviour made Mama not-so-nice.

    My older daughter tried hitting, my younger daughter tried biting - with both of them, I'd get down to their level, I'd take their little round faces in my hands (to physically say "Make eye contact with me" - this should NEVER be done with force) the moment the offense occurred, look them dead in the eyes, became extremely stern and harsh and - loudly - say "NO. You DO NOT hit/bite. That is NOT OK!!". Because I'm a VERY soft spoken and gentle parent most of the time, getting that kind of response to their actions made a huge impact with them. Just hearing the change in the tone of voice would trigger pouts and tears, followed by hugs and a long stretch of several days before they'd try anything similar, if at all.

    I think there were a total of two incidents where Aurielle hit someone, and four where Alyce bit someone (the first two occurred at daycare while I was not present, made for difficult reprimanding). 

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    *Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
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  • Rynleigh. I do something similar. They tend to either laugh in my face or immediately cry. And unfortunately the biting continues...
    TTC for 3 years. Finally successful after 5 IUIs and 2 cycles of IVF. Our amazing twins were born 5 weeks early on 8/16/11. Found out April 2012 that our di/di twins are ID.

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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • We have this problem with DS (since about 10 months or so, and still at 16 months), he only bites me or DD. He does it when DD steals a toy, he does it when he's excited, when he gives me a big slobbery kiss, or for no reason at all.  He is always worse with it when he is getting a tooth (which feels like all the time). I tell him no, and put him in time out in an empty pack n play and continue to play with DD.  It has not really helped yet, because it just seems like it happens so instantaneously that he can't really control it yet. But, we keep trying. The doctor said not to worry at this point (just make sure DD is okay, etc.), just to keep saying "No". We bought a book called "Teeth Are Not For Biting" try to reinforce the message at other times, rather than when the bite occurs.
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