Hi ladies! It's been a while and wanted to update real quick.
Girls are doing great in the NiCU. They're considered "growers & feeders" now. Baby A (bigger twin) is slowly being weened off oxygen (nasal). She's down to the lowest setting & will hopefully be off by the weeks end. Our tiny Baby B never needed oxygen. Both have a feeding tube in their nose. Baby A tried sucking at the bottle for the 1st time yesterday & took 5ml and was done. But she's sucking! Baby B has to wait till she gets over 3lbs before trying. She's currently at 2.8lbs & slowly gaining (2.14 at birth).
Both are still very sleepy at this point. Muscle tone isn't great, but improving. Opening their eyes is still hard work for them. Other than that all is good! No idea how much longer they'll stay. I just take one day at a time. The 1st day home I was an emotional mess, but things are much better and I know they are in the best place right now. I just continue to pump away and pray my milk comes in soon! 7 days and waiting!!
I guess I should check out the premie board.
Oh - and our identical girls look so different! Maybe it's the size discrepancy, but it's obvious who is who. Maybe once they're closer in size they'll look more identical.
Re: Our twins are 1 week! Update
ID Twin girls 04/2012
Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017
i loved our NICU staff- i knew they were in good hands. I also remember being very weepy those first few weeks because i couldn't be with them, but knew it was for the best. Hoping they can come home soon!