

I just put a lot of time into writing you a response, but then you deleted your post.

Here's the gist of what I wrote from memory:

 I don't doubt that you didn't mean to be insulting to anyone - we all have different situations here and I agreed with the previous posters. You have to be careful with your wording. We're a close group here and it would be nice to get to know you better outside of your bi-weekly posting about grunts/sleep/feeding. Maybe you could start replying to other posts? Even though we all have different situations you can still lend support or congratulations or comfort, etc. That's appreciated. I understand that you're still learning what parenting a preemie is like - I totally get that - and I imagine your L&D was a shock like the rest of ours. Would you like to submit your birth story for the blog? I remember you saying that they helped you...maybe yours will help another new mom out, too. 

Re: :::Kathyn21:::

  • Sorry I didn't want to offend anyone else so I figured the best thing would be to get rid of it. Thank you for being so polite. I feel like an awful person. My birth story is pretty bland and boring honestly. I can PM it to you, it may help someone. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • okay so i cna't figure out how to PM urbanflowerpot. grr!! 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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  • imagekathyn21:
    okay so i cna't figure out how to PM urbanflowerpot. grr!! 

    You go down to contact under my post :) But e-mail me - TB PM system is horrid. I'm at 

  • Just wanted to add to what others said. I certainly don't think you mean to offend or hurt anyone, we just always have to keep the context and tone of posts in mind given the theme of the board.

    Overall I think people want to encourage you to live in the moment a little more and enjoy this squishy newborn phase as much as possible. Sometimes with preemies it feels like it goes on forever, but a few months from now you'll be blown away by how fast it was over. Trust your instincts, and most importantly enjoy all the positives too! This is an awesome group that was there for me (and still is) on my hardest days, I hope you'll stick around and get to know everyone better. And a tidbit about bump ettiquette, ppl don't like it when posts are deleted, but you wouldn't know that unless someone told you, I guess.

    BFP#1 9/14/10 (EDD 5/21/11); no fetal pole 6w6d, 7w4d, d&c 10/8
    BFP#2 3/16/11, beta 138; 4/12 Baby/HB DS born 9/10/11 at 29w4d due to partial abruption and PTL
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    BFP#3 8/19/13 Another boy! 17P, modified bedrest and Nifedipine helped us have a termie! DS2 born 4/19/14 at 38w5d.
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