Cloth Diapering

prepping only 2 organic inserts?

I have 2 organic cotton inserts for grovia shells - I assume these are considered natural fibers and will need to be prepped separately from the rest of my inserts.  They have snaps so I can't boil them, can I?  Not sure of the best way to prep them as I don't want to run the washer for just 2 inserts.  Can I combine them with anything else - towels, maybe?  I do plan on buying some cotton prefolds to use as burp cloths - should I wait and wash them with my grovia inserts?


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Re: prepping only 2 organic inserts?

  • You're correct that you shouldn't boil them.  I would either wait for the burp cloths and wash them with them or wash with the towels.  I'd say once they're washed a few times that you can go ahead and use them.
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  • Just wash them with towels or sheets and dry two times (make sure you use CD detergent).  After that, I throw them in with my dirty CDs since most of the oils are gone and it's just about absorbency.
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