
6 days post RCS...update and question

I had my RCS 6 days ago and am feeling pretty good.  Better than I remember after my other two.  I am still taking percocet and the 800mg Ibuprofin, and have not been home alone with all three kids yet.  I am able to move around pretty well,  and never needed help getting out of bed, (with previous 2 CS I remember my DH having to help me sit up in bed to feed LO)  We took all the kids to the playground yesterday, I sat at a table with the baby while DH played with the kids.  I had to get out of the house.  It was probably a 3 minute walk from the car to the playground, and I took it super slow, but did feel good to get out.

I had the RCS at noon, and was up and walking around at 10pm that night.  Catheter and IV were out the following morning.

My milk came in early, on day 2, so for those of you who have posted with questions wondering if it took longer for milk to come in after a RCS in my case it did not.  My big kids are having a harder time adjusting than I anticipated, my 7YO DS is actually having the hardest time, I feel badly for him.  He is overly emotional, and is crying at the drop of a hat.  He is usually pretty tough and 'closed' on the emotional front.  We are continuing to let them both know how much we love them and how we are all getting adjusted to this new little bundle of love!!!!

I don't have much of an appitite, I am making myself eat small healthy meals throughout the day because I know I have to, but don't really want to eat anything.  Is this a side effect of the percocet?  Has this happened to anyone else?

and ps....don't forget to take stool softeners.....you will thank yourself after the fact.   


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Re: 6 days post RCS...update and question

  • i am 6 days pp too with my rcs.  i am typing one handed...forgive my punctuation!  i am eating more than normally, i think.  still on percocet.  wish i would have this same lack of appetite though!  my bladder is feeling beaten to hell after the cath, honestly.  hoping that gets better soon! good luck on your recovery!


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  • Congrats to you!  I remember the lack of appetite lasting a week or so after I got home, I quite enjoyed that.

    Hope your DS adapts soon, too.  That's got to be tough! 

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  • Congrats! I am so happy to hear that your rcs has been mostly a positive experience!
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