
The Bump sells our info and lies to us about it

It upsets me slightly, but it interests me more. When you sign up for the Bump you have to enter your address, and it says something along the lines of "Please note that your address will only be used to send you information YOU requested." When I signed up I used a fake last name because I was concerned about privacy, and I've never used that name anywhere else. Now I get tons of junk mail in my home mailbox with that name on it. I know I didn't request information about Victirias Secret , other clothes companies, and advertisements.


Is it legal for them to say they won't use your address and then do it anyway? Seems sketchy, if they are going to sell your address then they should tell you, or at least say nothing.  

Re: The Bump sells our info and lies to us about it

  • I'm not sure about the legality of it, but I agree that it's sketchy.
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  • Ah, they do have a legal page where they explain it and you can opt out.


    I still think its sketchy that right above where you enter your address it has that statement that they will only use your address for things you requested. I guess they're going on the idea that you are requesting it unless you go and opt out. 


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  • Ermahgerd!  Nert cerl!
    hurr durr derp face - Ermahgerd Sermer Term!
    see more Derp
  • I have no idea about the legality, but it's why I always put fake names and fake addresses for these things.
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  • It was probably in the terms and conditions that you checked when you created the account.

    This is why you put fake crap when you sign up for websites. 

    however long the night, dawn will break.


  • Have you never watched the HUMANCENTiPAD episode of South Park?!

    Always read the terms and conditions.  Always. 

    however long the night, dawn will break.


  • When I subscribed to readers digest, their scanner read my name wrong so I know everyone they sold my info to. I get all sorts of catalogues and spam with the wrongly spelled name. For that reason, I set up an email just for junk and purchases. I never give my real info.   I'm sure the bump does the same. 
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I can't BELIEVE the site has been operating as long as it has without this coming to light!  

    We should start a petition.   

  • imagepenguingrrl:
    I have no idea about the legality, but it's why I always put fake names and fake addresses for these things.


    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • From time to time, The Nest does share names, postal addresses, email addresses, and other contact and/or demographic information with other pre-screened organizations that have specific product and service offers we think may be of interest to you. You may choose at any time to remove your name and contact information from these lists by editing your privacy preferences (see paragraph below) or by letting us know via email to (please include your name, address, and email).

    We are currently contracted with Tacoda, Inc., a third party, to track and analyze anonymous usage and browsing patterns of our visitors and customers. All data collected by Tacoda on behalf of our Web sites is owned by us. This information is used to help provide advertisers with more targeted advertising opportunities, which means that our users see advertising that is most likely to interest them, and advertisers send their messages to people who are most likely to be receptive, improving both the viewer's experience and the effectiveness of the ads. For more information about Tacoda?s privacy policy, including how to opt out, go to


    ETA: This if from their Privacy Policy page

    DD#1 11.7.07 - DD#2 11.2.10 (3rd Tri Loss)- DD#3 4.18.12
  • That is sketchy. However, I have never received anything from any Bump partners because I made sure when signing up, I opted out of sharing my info with any TB partners. Go verify that you did not accidentally check off the wrong box or something.

    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



    <a href

  • imageClutchedPearls:

    I can't BELIEVE the site has been operating as long as it has without this coming to light!  

    We should start a petition.   


    "We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch



    <a href

  • Why am I not surprised that The Bump is being sketchy with how it operates things? Let's see, does not control AEs/trolls, ignores when things are going badly, search function stinks, etc.



    image  image

  • In a side note, when did the Named a Top Women's Website by Forbes show up under the logo?  Has it been there awhile and I'm just now noticing?
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  • imagehumptydance:
    Oh no! Say it isn't so!

    I just downloaded you BTW.

    Ooh do me baby! 
  • imageRA1109:

    It upsets me slightly, but it interests me more. When you sign up for the Bump you have to enter your address, and it says something along the lines of "Please note that your address will only be used to send you information YOU requested." When I signed up I used a fake last name because I was concerned about privacy, and I've never used that name anywhere else. Now I get tons of junk mail in my home mailbox with that name on it. I know I didn't request information about Victirias Secret , other clothes companies, and advertisements.


    Is it legal for them to say they won't use your address and then do it anyway? Seems sketchy, if they are going to sell your address then they should tell you, or at least say nothing.  

    You're sketchy. Who uses their real address? Dummy.
  • imageScout2005:

    Which would be why I didn't give them my real address.

    Seemed like the obvious solution at the time. 

    Helena Ravenclaw at 123 Hogwarts Ln must be getting lots o' junk mail from my bump account.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageHidinInYoBushes:


    Your number's disconnected. Pay yo bills, ho!

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • imageSookieFrackhouse68:
    1234 in Somewhere, Nebraska hates me right about now.
    It's people like you that kept me from my dream house.  It was gorgeous too, had all the amenities a family could want.  EXCEPT it was 1234 Main Street.  I knew it would be too much to handle.  You've ruined my life!  :::sobs uncontrollably:::
  • Your address isn't required to sign up.
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • And people wonder my name on TB is listed as Unicorn Poop
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I like getting mail. Even junk mail.
    It lets me know there's still a world out there.





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