
An introduction

Hi all!  Cannot even believe that I am posting on this board.  I am still completely in shock and I don't know if it will ever really settle in.

 My husband and I have a beautiful 11 month old little boy and we found out about a month ago that we were pregnant with number two.  Two weeks ago we got the shock of our lives when I went in for an early ultrasound because I was having some bleeding.  The ultrasound tech found the one heartbeat and then let out a little whoa before revealing that there were actually two little heartbeats.  That was super early at about 6 weeks so I am still a little cautious to know if they have both stuck and the wait for my appointment in another two weeks is just driving me insane!

 I guess I am just super nervous to see if they are both still there and doing ok!  This is going to be a huge life change for us including having to find a new home/car/nanny and I will most likely have to give up my business for a couple of years.

Anyone else feel like they are in this holding period?  I feel like with my first pregnancy I would know if something had been going wrong, but with the whole vanishing twin thing, there is a possibility I might not even know we were back down to one!  I hate being left not knowing!!

Would love some input from others!! 

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Re: An introduction

  • I have a lot of anxiety between ultrasounds. They reassured us at our 9 week scan (last week) that our risk for one "vanishing" was very low since they both still had strong heartbeats and are Di/Di. They did warn that it doesn't eliminate complications with the pregnancy or chances of more common chromosomal disorders - but they said that the theorized cause of "vanishing twin" is a chromosome problem that generally doesn't permit one of the twins to thrive and maintain a solid heartbeat. 

    If you have a good doctor, they will do a transvag at your early appointments until the A/S to confirm that everyone's still beating around in there :)  

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    *Spontaneous* OHSS diagnosed 08.06.2012
    Right ovary removed 09.04.2012 via vertical laparotomy
    Essure implant placed on remaining tube 06.13.2013; successful followup scan 09.30.2013

  • Congrats!! We also found out we were having twins very early and it's really hard to wait between ultrasounds. Luckily, twin pregnancies usually get a sono at every visit and my doc will NEVER let me go past 4 weeks between appointments, 
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  • I had a similar reaction to you, I couldn't believe it! My husband and I laughed so hard we couldn't even talk when we first found out. What a happy surprise! Given time it will settle in more but for now I think it's pretty usual to be in a state of shock.

    I had a hard time also with the wait and not knowing if we would possibly lose one twin. I honestly wish I had never heard of vanishing twin syndrome, I would have rather been in the dark! The hard reality of it though is that there isn't anything that you can do to keep it from happening if it's going to happen. Resting, eating well and taking the best possible care of yourself in the only proactive thing you can do to ensure a good start to their lives but if something is "wrong" with either developing baby there just isn't anything you can do about it. I found that really accepting what I could and could not control helped me to feel better and "let it go".

    Chances are everything is going to be just wonderful and before you know it you'll be snuggling two sweet little babies.

    Good luck!

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  • Congratulations! The waiting time between appointments and ultrasounds is really hard. Especially before you can feel them moving around. As time passes you will feel more comfortable but if I'm being completely honest even at 30 weeks I still have my worries between appointments!

    If only we could get rid of worry and just sit back and enjoy it all! Keep yourself busy and just do your best to keep yourself healthy!

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