I've read articles about parents regretting (some even despising) their LO's name. I know lots of parents go round after round trying to settle on a name sometimes leaving one parent to concede their favorite name. So, are you still happy with the names you chose for your LO? Does your LO's personality fit his/her name or do you wish you would have chosen another name from your list?
LO's name is Benham. It's MIL's maiden name and even though my relationship with her isn't what it used to be, I love it. Had DD been a boy, we would have named her Benham so it was always on our list.
Re: Your LO's name---are you still happy with it?
Yep! I love my LO's name! I can't imagine him with anything else.
One of my friends was strong-armed into naming her kid Larry, because it was a family tradition on her H's side. She hated the name then and still does. It took her years to even call him that. She uses a nickname instead.
LOVE IT !! His name is Owen Miles...
Husband liked the name Wyatt and I liked Owen.... I won
The middle name was either Parker or Miles and I am glad we went with Miles.
We call him Baby O, O and Oey
We love LO's name (Lucas). It fits him so well.
However, after he was born I heard the name Lincoln and fell in love. I know if I would have suggested it to DH while I was PG, it would have been a contender.
Oh well. No more kids for us so maybe I can name a future cat Lincoln!
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Dream of a better world...where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.
That is too funny!
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Dream of a better world...where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.
I love my little Emma and do not care how popular it is...but I wish I would have fought harder to have her middle name Judith after my mom...my sister is a lawyer and could change it for me, but DH is against it.
Shhh don't tell the baby name board, but her middle name is Christine after me (my first name) and DH (Christopher is his middle name) DH really wanted Emma Christine and since I pushed DH for Emma, he got more say in the middle name...
sibling love
I love the name Camille. I have always wanted to have a daughter by that name!
Fastest year of my life.
DH and I LOVE the name Owen, if we have another boy his name will be Owen. We also really like the name Miles...maybe I will steal the name from you and just do Owen Miles!
I still love DS's name. When we were trying to decide on names DH would always say "whatever you want" or basically agree with every name I suggested unless he really disliked it (he can make a decision he just always wants to please me). One day he came up to me and suggested the name Brady out of no where and I couldn't believe he made a decision on his own, I loved the name so we chose that.
I love Charlotte, if we have a girl we will name her this. December '11 moms pick some good names!
I LOVE DD's name. It just seems to fit her perfectly. Some people (FIL) have told us it was "weird" but he also said he'd "never heard of that guy" when we told him Tennyson was a famous poet/author. Most people have told us they think it's different but beautiful...and I don't care if they're just being polite, I love her name!
My DS is named Atticus and we get very positive responses from people who have read To Kill a Mockingbird. Those who haven't think it is a weird name. I love the name Tennyson, btw!
With both of my kids they were 2 days old before they had a name. Both times it was the hospital people going "ok we want to send in the birth certificate stuff, have you decided yet?" I was so indecisive because its something they'll have forever! And I'm not a huge fan of my name (Kelly) so it was important to me to pick the right name.
DD is Lily Ann - Lily is a family name on DH's side and Ann is my middle name, my MIL's middle name and my SD is Anna so it was something that hit everyone. If it were up to me she would have been Chloe. If it were up to DH she would have been Ella. We decided on Lily since our #1 one names, the other wouldn't go for. Now that she's here, she's such a spitfire. She's fun and yet stubborn and so I do feel that her name fits her.
DS is Colin - I wanted Lucas or Landon, DH wanted Nolan. However, Colin was the name that we talked about years ago when we were just dating as our boy name. if DD would have been a boy she would have easily been a Colin but for some reason we just couldn't decide. We thought about doing the L&L names & I decided it was too cutesy. So Colin in the end won out. So far he's a pretty happy, easy going baby and so I feel like it fits him. It's not super popular either which I like.
Lol thanks! I have to admit I have fell in love with the name as well. DH came up with it go figure
Thanks! I love Atticus as well! It was on my boy name list for years. Yes, people who've heard of Tennyson tend to have a positive reaction. Those who haven't are typically a little more hesitant with it. My favorite college lit professor was tickled pink when she heard it though!
Harper Jane 11/19/11 5lb 15 oz 20 inches... perfection
LO's name is Anderson and I still love it! I don't care if it's a popular last name, it fits him perfectly. Plus,mwe have a very distinct last name, so his name doesn't sound backwards. We call him Andy for short sometimes, or A, or Little A. I think it's a name that will grow with him well.
My only regret was not fighting harder for James as his middle name. It's my dads MN. We went with Michael, which is DHs MN. But I got Anderson, so he got Michael. DH didn't want people to call him AJ.
We still love LOs name: Will Stephenson
Some people told us we would regret not naming him William, but as a pedi nurse who would deal with about 29 kids a day who were called by anything but their first name, I wanted my son's name to be what we wanted him to be called. I was worried a lot of people would assume William anyway, but it hasn't happened yet.
My Ovulation Chart
LOL...I have a friend whose son was born in November of 2010 and his name is Lincoln Michael after the main characters on Prison Break. I still love Easton's name. It fits him really well. It was between Rhyder, Ethan and Easton. I think I would have loved Ethan but can't imagine him being a Rhyder. We couldn't decide on a middle name so we went with Glenn after my dad.
My Anderson's name is Anderson James! Anderson is my husbands middle name and his Great Grandfathers first name. James is my DH and my father's first name. We call him Anderson no nickname besides our cutsie one that has nothing to do with his name. We could have had name twins!
May Siggy Challenge: TV mom
I love Harper! It was my favorite girl name and my DH liked it too. Definitely on my list if we ever have a DD.
LOL, too funny!