Baby Names

Going to change my name to baby name crazy, haha!

What's your favorite greek boy's name that would go with Preston?
(Former UN: iloveshanej)

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Re: Going to change my name to baby name crazy, haha!

  • Alexandros?

    It's my fave 

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  • I like both Alexander and Alexandros but loathe my cousin that is named Alexander. It stinks!
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
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  • haha I should change my name to that too!

    Preston is adorable! Greek names that go, hmm... [googling greek boy names]

    alexander, lucas, leo, max, nicholas

    I didnt see Preston on any greek name lists though.

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  • imageang.ela23:

    haha I should change my name to that too!

    Preston is adorable! Greek names that go, hmm... [googling greek boy names]

    alexander, lucas, leo, max, nicholas

    I didnt see Preston on any greek name lists though.

    I like Max a lot. Preston isn't greek, it's FI's middle name that has been passed down for several generations.

    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
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  • raefreraefre member

    I like Ulysses but not sure how well that goes with Preston.

    How about Lucas?

     Nicholas is in the same vain as Alexander but I really am not fond of the name for personal reasons.

    Miles/Milo I would think go with Preston but definitely not Greek.

    EDIT: I was thinking sibset not MN. 

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  • Dimitri is one of my all time favorite names....LOVE it
  •  Nicolai


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  • Love Demetrius! I hadn't thought of that one!

    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
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    Potato Launcher

  • I like Leo/Leonidas or Nicholas, nn Nico.
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  • Hm, I love Leonidas but not really feeling it with Preston. 
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  • Dimitrios (my preferred spelling! ;) ) is popular in my family (and it's my son's name!)

    Nikolaos (nickname, if you choose to use one, Niko pronounced "Nee-ko" )

    Stellios (Stephen is the most common American translation I've heard, not that you're looking for a translation, just "FYI!" ) :)

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  • DS's MN is Onesimus (Oh-ness-ih-muss). We think it sounds pretty badass. 
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