Hi all,
We had the perfect boy name already picked out, but we can't find a girl name other than Isabel. It is my favorite and it's the only one my hubby likes. I've been trying for months to come up with something else and I'm just stuck. I thought he was coming around to Carolyn, but he finally decided the other day he just doesn't like it. I'm not a huge twilight fan. I've read the books, but when I think of Isabel I think of the Spanish queen. I don't know what to do. Isabella is so popular according to the name lists. I'm afraid that she will hate her name. I did hate my name as a child. I don't care as an adult but I grew up with no one even knowing how to pronounce it or spell it. My mom isn't happy about Isabel because it's so popular and she has opinions about that.
Any advice? Was your name really popular the year you were born? Did you hate it? Love it? For those with LOs already do you really see tons of Isabelle/as out there and find it totally annoying? What are the NNs you are seeing for it?
Re: xp: grappling with names.
I know of quite a few little girls with the name Isabella, nn Bella, but I don't think I know of any with the name Isabel. I think it's a very pretty name. If you like it, go with it.
Have you tried something like this site:
Neither my H nor I grew up having to be firstname lastinitial - and we didn't want that for our child either - but we both preferred classic names. It remains to be seen if we have been successful.
I tried it this afternoon and was unsuccessful.