Hey ladies,
I just had a c section last Wednesday- we are home, recouping great but I have a couple questions.
1- How are all of you making sure to keep your incision sweat free? I have the belly hang that goes over it, so I am trying to pat it dry w/ every trip to the bathroom and to also use some gauze in between.. the body hang helps the gauze stay put.. should I be doing something else?
2- At what point is it safe to try to go for a walk w/ my little one and a stroller? Our stroller is heavier.. but easy to push.. thoughts?
3- Virtually pain free, just a couple motrin a couple times a day.. otherwise I am doing really well.
4- oh and I suddenly have the runs.. SORRY TMI.. anyone else? Is it my body cleaning out all the drugs?
Any other tips? I had a vaginal delivery with my first daughter so this is all very new to me! Thanks ladies!!
Re: C Section 6 days ago.. with some questions!
I had steristrips on my incision and would use the blowdryer on low/warm after showering to dry it. I didn't do anything else during the day besides try to keep my underwear/pants from rubbing.
As far as walking - you should be up and moving. However, I went on real walks at 3w PP with DS's stroller. I did 2 30min walks one day and then a 50 min walk the next morning. After the 50 min walk, I realized that my incision had come open in 2 places, So don't do that. It's been too hot and humid here to go walking since then.
Sorry - didn't have the runs
but stay hydrated!
1- How are all of you making sure to keep your incision sweat free? I have the belly hang that goes over it, so I am trying to pat it dry w/ every trip to the bathroom and to also use some gauze in between.. the body hang helps the gauze stay put.. should I be doing something else?
I didn't do anything above and beyond drying it when I took a shower everyday. It's not so much keeping it dry as keeping it clean.
2- At what point is it safe to try to go for a walk w/ my little one and a stroller? Our stroller is heavier.. but easy to push.. thoughts?
I wouldn't start walking until I've had my incision checked by my doctor. There are so many things you do on the daily that involve your core. Pushing a stroller is definitely one of them. Ensure that you're healed up nicely and then listen to your body.
3- Virtually pain free, just a couple motrin a couple times a day.. otherwise I am doing really well.
Good for you!! I was surprised at how quickly I was able to taper off the meds.
4- oh and I suddenly have the runs.. SORRY TMI.. anyone else? Is it my body cleaning out all the drugs?
I don't know. Typically those drugs have the OPPOSITE affect on your ability to defecate.
Any other tips?
TAKE.IT.EASY. There is no need to rush into anything. 6 weeks is NOT THAT LONG. In a blink of an eye, you'll be celebrating baby's 1st birthday. You won't even remember those first 6 weeks when you sat on your ass and did nothing. This is not the time to push yourself.
Keep hydrated. It's hot out!!
This. Also, depending on what your Dr. suggests, I don't know if I'd be doing the gauze over the incision... I always just made sure mine was clean (they used derma bond on mine, so I could get it wet in the shower with no issues) and then I would pat it dry (thoroughly) afterwards.
Like other people said, don't push it... it's good to be up and around, but the last thing you need is some issue with the incision because you tried to do too much. Good luck!
Are you still taking stool softener?
Baby and I were released from the hospital when he was a week old, I was given a presciption and told to continue taking colace, the stool softener I was on, for at least two more weeks. I didn't even make it a week before I ended up with the runs and noticed ds was also being affected by the stool softener. Because I ended up with the opposite of what the meds were being prescribed for I quit taking them then.