I know the easy answer is "ask." I'm hourly but I get the sneaking suspicion that my two bosses keep forgetting that. I just told them that I need to take 1/2 vacation day this week for personal appointments and will work from home the other half. They came back and told me not to bother using the 1/2 vacation day. Which sounds awesome if I were salary. But it's use the vacation time, punch in (online system) and then walk away from my house for my appointments or just not get paid. I know they're trying to be nice but now I'm just confused what they really want me to do
Then the other day they both decided to take the day off and told me I should just plan to work from home. My boss called me that day to ask me something and I asked her what she was up to for the day (since she was OFF). She said "I think I'm headed to the beach. You?" Um, trick question much? haha I know she didn't mean it that way but I was sitting there thinking "Did you mean 'work from home' *wink wink* and I'm a chump for actually working?"
Re: I don't know what to do with this information
Paid vacation time for hourly work? That's awesome. I would totally clock in to make sure I received my full check, even if it meant reminding them.
Burned by the Bear
Wait, that's odd? I know for jobs like hourly retail you don't often get paid vacation but I work in an office and all admins are hourly and we all get paid sick and vacation time just like all the employees.
Same here. All full-time employees get the same vacation/sick time whether you're hourly or salary. The only difference is salary employees are paid twice a month while hourly are once a week.
ETA: I would ask how to enter it on my time card, just for clarification as PP mentioned.