As I'm typing this, "yesterday" wasn't really that long ago, lol. I guess I'm still kind of wound up. I'm pretty proud of myself, because it was my first time entertaining. We moved into this house only a few months ago, after living either with one of our parents or in a place paid for by our parents. This was our first chance to invite everyone over and par-tay! And it went off [mostly] without a hitch! Big Girl was super excited and happy and had tons of fun. I made almost all of her decorations and her cake, and there was plenty of junk food for everyone. The only damper was that her father didn't bother calling - not really a big surprise because he's a total cop-out dad. He'll send a barrage of texts tomorrow telling me what a horrible person I am for not having her call him, but that doesn't mean much coming from a sad sack like him. She had her soon-to-be-stepdad, all her friends and family, and more sugar than a 5-year-old should reasonably have, so it was still the best day ever!
Next up is the Little One's first (!!!) birthday! I'm so excited, I can hardly contain it! What are you ladies planning for your LO's big days?
// I love you too. //
Re: It was my eldest daughter's B-Day yesterday!
That's great!
We are just having a gathering of friends and family for his first birthday.
Awww...that was nice of you! Sounds like she had a great day!
We are planning a party in our backyard. Jersey Mike Subs, watermelon salad, potato salad and of course...cake!
Awwwwww yay sounds like fun
We are having nothing to fancy but a party at the park with some loved ones and BBQ. Games and Prizes. Pi?ata and of course cake!