Baby Names

Stuck on BOY names... LETS VOTE!?

SO we have a girl name picked out and every other day we think we've finally settled on a boy name until doubt sets in.  We have plenty of time to think on it but lets face facts, I'm highly impatient... Lets see what you think....









Middle name will be Cooper if that helps any of the decision making for you. Thanks for your input :)


Re: Stuck on BOY names... LETS VOTE!?

  • RIGHT!? I keep going back to that. It's a sturdy name i think that fits every age/stage of a persons life. Thanks for commenting.
  • Atticus is a guilty pleasure name of mine and it flows nicely with Cooper. Bram would be my second choice, although I prefer it as a nn for Abram. Warring is really bad.
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  • Love Atticus Cooper. I also don't mind Bram Cooper.

    I would advice against Warring, unless there's something I don't know about the name. I think you'll be warring with your child once he figures out what his name means...


    (of two or more people or groups) In conflict with each other: "warring factions".


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  • I like Atticus and Bram.  Warring is NMS.
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  • Haha, good call!! Thus far, Atticus and Sutton are my favorites. We had it settled to Atticus until my husband found Sutton and now its just a back and forth battle haha, and Bram has been a favorite of mine since forever but my husband doesnt like it.
  • kmplskmpls member
    Love Sutton. Bram is ok.
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  • I like Bram the best.  Atticus is also okay but it seems a bit over the top for me.  I don't care for Sutton or Warring at all.
  • ObLaDiObLaDi member

    Atticus and Bram (as a nn for Abraham) are our two current front-runners :-P

    I clearly am incapable of choosing between them. I think I'd give the edge to Atticus though--love it! 

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  • I like Atticus or Bram. 

    Sutton sounds like a last name, and so is Cooper.  Sutton Cooper (Your last name) sounds like a law firm to me.  Sorry.

  • Gosh, I really like all of them!  I think my fave is probably Atticus. 
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  • 1.) Sutton

    2.) Atticus (I really like this, but it subtly reminds me of Alice Cooper...I don't think that would be a deal breaker though.) 

    3.) Bram









    4.) Warring. Please not Warring. Consider Warren? 

  • Haha, wow, gross! I guess Bram is the best of them.

    Warring is horrible; it's a verb, for goodness sakes. Warren is the name.

  • I like what someone suggested "Abram" for Bram. Atticus and Sutton are ok, but nms. Have you thought about Warren instead of Warring? I like the way Abram Cooper or Warren Cooper sound. 
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  • Atticus or Bram. I love them both!


  • Our styles are different, but here are some thoughts, if it's of any worth.

    Atticus-- Not a fan of this name.  It sounds really harsh to me, but I get that people like the literary connotations.

    Sutton -- Neutral

    Bram -- I'd like it if it's short for Abraham. 

    Warring -- This doesn't strike me as a name.  Have you considered the name Warren?  Warren is nice IMO, but I can't get behind -ing names.

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  • Love Atticus and Bram as a nn for Abram.
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  • Another vote for Atticus!
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  • I like Sutton the best, but not with Cooper. I agree with pp that it would sound like a law firm. So my votes goes to Atticus.
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  • I think they're all equally awful. Sorry.
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  • Atticus by 500 points love love love it
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  • They are all NMS, but I'll vote for Bram.

    I think Warring is dreadful, I hate violent names for boys.  If it is a family name, I'd MN it.

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  • Sutton is the only one I care for

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  • I like Atticus. The others are nms.
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  • I would definitely choose Atticus out of those four names.
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  • Atticus!  When I hear Sutton I think of the show The Lying Game, and Sutton on there is a girl.
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  • Atticus is my fave, but I think that Sutton Cooper flows the best.
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  • I don't love any, but Atticus and Bram would get my vote if I had to chose.
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