
~*~ PoliceWife ~*~

You're about to get yourself a pretty sparkly present. Care if I help and then throw you a celebration?


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Re: ~*~ PoliceWife ~*~

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  • imageMandaPanda518:

    You're about to get yourself a pretty sparkly present. Care if I help and then throw you a celebration?


    Lmfao at that gif!!! I can't stop watching that man dance! Hahahahahahaha!



  • Silver. I'm crashing your post to get my self one step closer!
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  • imagejustAphase:

    Silver. I'm crashing your post to get my self one step closer!

    You're so close! We need another one of Grrrr's randoms posts.  

    We do! I think I'm almost halfway to gold!! Woot woot!


  • imagepolicewife314:

    Awww thanks for the love, y'all! I got distracted on FB and got excited to be paged.

    <----- nerd


    Ack! I got distracted by dinner and my kid, go figure! Congrats girl. Silver may look nice, but you know how to work bronze. 

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  • imagepolicewife314:

    I'm just posting one more time on my journey to gold. Which by my calculations should only take 4 more years. Although I'm a way bigger PW now than I was in my newbie days. 

    PW it up in here! We can discuss yo' main man RP. He's pretty cute as himself but he gives me the creeps in the Twilight movies. 

    Ha! He's only cute on certain occasions. Like in HP. And that's about it. Some pictures aren't bad, but he's too scrawny and he just looks stinky.


  • imagepolicewife314:

    I just saw a commercial for a new dating website called "Because city people just don't get it."

    While I tend to agree with the slogan, being from the sticks myself, I had to laugh because I pictured a bunch of toothless rednecks in overalls trying to hook up online.

    Lol! For real?? That's amazing.


  • I'm totally hor-ing it up in this thread. I'm on my phone in bed though, so no fun gifs or anything from me.


  • Oh God, I killed it didn't I? I killed the thread. :(


  • imagepolicewife314:

    Oh God, I killed it didn't I? I killed the thread. :(

    LOL no! It's too soon. I can't let it die yet!

    Ok good! Haha I posted like 3 times and I thought everyone was already gone. Let's talk about someone hotter than RP.


  • imagepolicewife314:

    Oh God, I killed it didn't I? I killed the thread. :(

    LOL no! It's too soon. I can't let it die yet!

    Ok good! Haha I posted like 3 times and I thought everyone was already gone. Let's talk about someone hotter than RP.

    Methinks it's too lofty of a goal to hope this stays alive until more people come back on Monday to carry it, but a girl can dream. Name your man. I'm easy.

    My main man is Joe Manganiello, but I like anyone who's tall, hot and muscular. Facial hair is a total plus too. Although I do appreciate different types too. Mmmm I have dreams about Joe though haha.


  • Oh and this thread already has a red star, that's something, right?


  • imagejustAphase:

    I'm just posting one more time on my journey to gold. Which by my calculations should only take 4 more years. Although I'm a way bigger PW now than I was in my newbie days. 

    PW it up in here! We can discuss yo' main man RP. He's pretty cute as himself but he gives me the creeps in the Twilight movies. 

    Oh I try to make it very clear that I am not attracted to Twilight RP. Only Water for Elephants, Remember Me, RP. I am NOT a Twilight fan. Can't stress that enough.  

    Oh praise Jeebus, my opinion of you just skyrocketed Wink

    Lol. Now I'm worried how many people think I'm a Twihard :/ I'll have to make a disclaimer in my siggy or something, hah. 

    I totally love Twilight if it makes you feel better. Just the books though, th movies pretty much suck.


  • imagepolicewife314:
    I had to Google the dude ('sup?) and I have no idea what a red star means. Too early for embarrassing confessions?
    Haha. I think it just means its a popular post or has a lot of views or something. Ok, your turn to pick a hottie.


  • Not my first choice, but he wouldn't have to be the last man on earth for me to ride that train! His body is amazing. Dis you see Magic Mike? Boy can dance. He can't act that great, but he can dance. Yum.


  • imageHuntsvillemama2012:

    Tardy as always but I have to add,


    I love Jon Hamm. He is so manly lol. 

    Grosssss. Me no likey.


  • Jared Leto is cute, totally doable.

    Omg, how did I forget about Gerard Butler???? He's very sexy. In everything. 300- yummy. P.S. I love you- super yummy. His accent makes me drool.



  • imagepolicewife314:
    Jared Leto is cute, totally doable.

    Omg, how did I forget about Gerard Butler???? He's very sexy. In everything. 300- yummy. P.S. I love you- super yummy. His accent makes me drool.

    I'm too busy bawling like a biitch in P.S. I Love You to do much drooling, but you're right; he's pretty much always delish. The maybe exception is Law Abiding Citizen. He's still sexy as hell but the (somewhat understandable) crazy is kind of a turn-off.

    True. Still hot though. What about Josh Duhamel or however you spell his name. Between him and Tyrese in Transformers, I can't focus on the story line! :P


  • I also bawl like a biitch during PS I Love You. I'm pretty sure I cried through the whole movie.


  • Crap! I wish I had something witty to say. I am bored out of my mind.
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  • My sister met Gerard Butler and Jessica Biel in a bar a couple of years ago. She talked to him for a little bit. They hatched a plan to break up Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones. She would get Michael and he would get Catherine lol.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • I am stuck at work. Otherwise I would love to go to bed.
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  • imagepolicewife314:

    My sister met Gerard Butler and Jessica Biel in a bar a couple of years ago. She talked to him for a little bit. They hatched a plan to break up Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones. She would get Michael and he would get Catherine lol.

    LOL that's awesome. Catherine is on my chick list. Your sister is brave for volunteering to jump on the Michael grenade. Then again, I'd probably drink Gerard's bath water if he asked me too. Too much?


    LOL She totally loves Michael Douglas! He offered to help her and he said that he would take Catherine. She's had a thing for Michael Douglas since The American President. I have a crush on an old celeb so I don't judge lol. I've always had a thing for Richard Dean Anderson... since my first MacGyver marathon at age 9. 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Z sleeps from about 9-10pm until 9-10am. It used to be 9pm - 9am like clockwork, but my hubby was home for a week instead of being on site for the week and Z never wanted to sleep. Now she fights sleep like a beast!

    I love thunder and stormy weather, but Z sleeps right through it, so I am lucky that way.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • I'm tardy to the party but the gif is freaking hilarious. 

    And I'm all for PW'ing to reach silver, lol.  

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  • imagepolicewife314:

    I'm tardy to the party but the gif is freaking hilarious. 

    And I'm all for PW'ing to reach silver, lol.  

     Hay hay haaaaaaaay! Welcome aboard! We clearly don't have a whole lot going on in here. PW it up! Why are you still awake? Who's your celeb man piece? 

    Hey! I'm awake because I just got off of work a half hour ago. I'm a restaurant/bar manager and had a horrible night because there was a beer festivel across the street from my place which resulted in multiple pukings and/or kicking people out so I'm unwinding with a cocktail! Plus, it's only 12 here so it's not too late!

     I would eat worms off of Gerald Butler's abs. I can't get enough of the accent! What about you?! 

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  • imagepolicewife314:

    I'm tardy to the party but the gif is freaking hilarious. 

    And I'm all for PW'ing to reach silver, lol.  

     Hay hay haaaaaaaay! Welcome aboard! We clearly don't have a whole lot going on in here. PW it up! Why are you still awake? Who's your celeb man piece? 

    Hey! I'm awake because I just got off of work a half hour ago. I'm a restaurant/bar manager and had a horrible night because there was a beer festivel across the street from my place which resulted in multiple pukings and/or kicking people out so I'm unwinding with a cocktail! Plus, it's only 12 here so it's not too late!

     I would eat worms off of Gerald Butler's abs. I can't get enough of the accent! What about you?! 

    Sounds like a gross but eventful night! I'm super jealous of your cocktail. I apparently am just cursed with pregnancy insomnia which I will be pissed about in a few hours.

    High five on Gerard; we were discussing him earlier in the post. I also love the Ryans (Gosling and Reynolds) and Matthew McConaughey. 


    Oh! You're so close! What'll be your first drink of choice?

    I couldn't sleep the last month of my pregnancy. It was so hot and uncomfortable- I feel your pain. 

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  • ::Streaks through thread to keep it going::
  • Sorry y'all, I fell asleep!


  • So you will forgive me for my sudden absence last night, here is some eye candy. I will try to include all of your tastes. :)
















  • Can you tell I prefer my men shirtless? :) I have no idea what were doing today. DH had to work 6am-noon so he's probably going to nap when he gets home, which means we will probably all nap. So we're probably just going to be bums today. I was going to take DS swimming but I have my period and I don't like to swim when I have it. So....maybe just play in the backyard if it doesn't rain.


  • Wtf are Golden Chick and Chicken Express???


  • imagepolicewife314:
    Random post to keep it alive. New life low for me.

    Eh. Ther are worse things!

    Thahnks Irisheyes for the eye candy!

    Does anyone have a good side dish idea for me? My MIL jacked my lazy idea of roasted asparagus so now I have to come up with something before dinner. We're having some sort of BBQ and a quinoa side along with it. I'm also considering bringing ice cream sandwiches since July 11 is National Ice Cream Day.

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  • imagepolicewife314:

    Silver. I'm crashing your post to get my self one step closer!

    You're so close! We need another one of Grrrr's randoms posts.  

    Yes. We can use this one. I hereby donate my thread to getting you to silver. Let's do this!

    You're the best!  I just got back and saw this.  One step closer.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • imagepolicewife314:

    I lobe Channing Tatum. But I still don't care to see Magic Mike. I have been in love with Jared Leto since My So Called Life. 

    But not when he wears eyeliner. That's gross. I mean, I may still find him kiiiiinda sexy, but I much prefer him eyelinerless. 


    OMG, pour one out for MSCL. I effing loved that show. Also, guyliner on any dude is just not attractive to me.

    Random confession- I totally did a guy who was wearing more eyeliner than me. He was hot. It was awesome. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • I came back and killed it!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • July 11 was ice cream day?? Wtf, NO ONE TOLD ME!!! I'm going to eat a container of ice cream to make up for it.


  • imageIrishEyes0530:
    July 11 was ice cream day?? Wtf, NO ONE TOLD ME!!! I'm going to eat a container of ice cream to make up for it.
    Furious I missed it!  Thankfully I had 2 types of ice cream today.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Anything with peanut butter, nothing with nuts. In the freezer right now I have Moose Tracks, chocolate with pb in it and pb ice cream w pb cups. Yum! I also like sherbert, birthday cake and pretty much everything that isn't a fruit.


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