
Anyone have experience with intuitive child predictions?

I am 24, with a 4 year old son, and I am 8 weeks pregnant.  They say that young children are really intuitive about these things, so I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

DS is already fully into big brother mode.  He says good morning and good night to my belly, kisses it, and tells baby he loves it.  About a week ago, I was sitting on the couch, and he asks to say hi to baby.  He gives my belly a hug and lays his head against it.  Suddenly, he sits bolt upright with a wide-eyed look and says, "Mommy, two babies!"  Taken aback, I ask him what he is talking about.  "Two babies in there!"  DH and I have talked about the chance of it before, but we've never mentioned it in front of DS.

It's a little crazy, and I guess we'll find out soon.  I already have a good size bump.  I've been told you show earlier after the first.  But my bump is the same size as a girl I work with who is on her third pregnancy, and she is at 18 weeks.  That's a 10 week difference, and I'm showing that much already.  With DS, I wore my pre-pregnancy jeans until the day I went into labor.  But this time, I stopped being able to button mine almost two weeks ago. 

DS 6-26-2008
DD 2-24-2013
Angel 5-9-2014
Rainbow 2-8-2016

Re: Anyone have experience with intuitive child predictions?

  • I don't think kids are intuitive so much as pick up on things we say, plus they say a lot of crazy stuff and then we only remember the times they are right.I don't see how a child can know you are having twins unless he has an ultrasound machine, and I bet you could find lots ofmparentsof singletons whoes older children said similar things.Good luck with your pregnancy!
  • My son said he wanted sisters for Xmas (I was only like 6-7 weeks at that point he didn't know I was pregnant, I miscarried two months previous at 9.5 weeks and didn't want to tell him until we were sure so he wasn't confused). That being said, we didn't find out it was twins until the end of my first tri and the did end up being girls so he got his wish. I think it's purely coincidental though. In terms of showing, your bloated not showing, but you know that since you already have a kid am know what true showing is. It's your second pregnancy so that also tends to make a difference. Either way your pregnant which is great! Congratulations!
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  • Sometimes they are intuitive but sometimes they just come out with random things that turn out to be their way of processing something they've heard. I have a friend whose son thought she was having twins but the u/s revealed a singleton.

    And ditto the others that you wouldn't be "showing" any more this early in your pregnancy if it were twins. I really didn't notice any changes at all until 11-12w. At my 12w appt I measured 12w, but at my 16w appt I measured 20w so it was after 12 weeks that I started to grow faster than I would've with a singleton.

    Good luck at any rate; hope all goes well with your pregnancy!

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • son said the same thing to me before i even knew i was pregnant, low and behold there are two babies in there. I totally belive that some people/children can sence things that some can not. I would go into more detail but it seems like this group isn't open to things like that. btw, i was showing a 8 weeks because of the twins....just saying....

  • MrsLntMrsLnt member

    If you ask on a forum where people have multiples, it's going to skew your results. It's like asking if people have multiples from Clomid, IVF, or IUI. The percentage here is going to be higher. Ask on a general forum and you'll get less confirmations. There is no way to predict multiples other than an ultrasound. 

    GL with your pregnancy, no matter how many are in there. 

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