Cloth Diapering

My fix for problem rash...

DS has had a diaper rash for over a month...and it was my fault.  I have been using cloth wipes for him since we started CDing when we brought him home from the hospital. He has had the occasional diaper rash, but they have always cleared up quickly with Angel Baby Bottom Balm or coconut oil.  I got concerned that the lavender oil drops in his cloth wipe solution was irritating him, so I started using just water.

I wet his wipes in a container and send them with him to daycare.  For weeks his diaper rash has been bad.  Bleeding, open sores, blistering.  We went in to see the pediatrician, who recommended we try a diaper rash cream with high zinc oxide, so we tried that with fleece liners.  The doctor even praised us on using cloth wipes with water...less chance to irritate his skin.

DS goes to an in-home daycare and she had a visitor last week who was a retired nurse.  The nurse looked at his diaper rash, smelled his wipes and said they smelled musty.

That night, I bleached all his wipes and started sending them to daycare dry.  She agreed to wet them before she uses them.  In one week,  his diaper rash has cleared up completely.  His wipes were starting to mildew in the container, and causing his diaper rash.

I just thought I would share in case someone else was having the same problem I was. 

When we go out of the house for a longer period of time, I will wet his wipes with lavender water from now on.  It kept the mildew away.  I wish I had never stopped using it. 

Chase was born 4/23/2011
Carlene was born 4/18/2014                          A14 siggy challenge:  Junk Food
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Re: My fix for problem rash...

  • We always keep our wipes dry and wet them when we need them for this reason.  We use plain water from a perri bottle at home, and a small spray bottle in the diaper bag.

    Poor Chase! I'm glad his bum is better.

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  • I'm sorry that your LO had such an issue with rashes!

    I've been using pre-moistened wipes for over a year and hear of this happening, but never had an issue with mildew/mustiness. I'm glad you found a cloth wipe routine that works for you and your LO.

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