January 2013 Moms

anyone else on progesterone supplements

and scared to come off?

I'll be 13 weeks on monday and it will be my last week. I am SO nervous something bad will happen. Can anyone ease my mind?

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Re: anyone else on progesterone supplements

  • I am nervous as well. Supposed to take them till 14 weeks. Dr. Assures me the placenta has already taken over production vs. you ovaries.
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  • Thank you! atleast i'm not alone! I'm sure all will be fine just need to calm myself
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  • I went off mine at 10wks and doc assures me all is well.  Hang in there. 
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  • I'm nervous about stopping the progesterone as well. I am thirteen weeks now and this is my last week. I was told that it was likely I would have miscarried before I started taking the supplements. It is reassuring that I saw a healthy squirmy baby this week at my NT Scan.
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  • I was on them and the Dr.had me stop at 13 weeks.  I was ssssooooo nervous.  I have a doppler at home and I have been listening to the baby's heartbeat every night.  So far all is good :)  It will be ok.  I talked to other ladies in 2nd tri before stopping too.  Some after 13 weeks tapered off (took one every other day until they ran out) for sanity purposes only...  I hope this helps you some :)  BTW everything I have read online says after 12 weeks the placenta takes over.
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    Paige 8/5/99, Kara 7/22/03 and Benjamin 1/19/13
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    10 losses 1996-1998, 2 losses 2001-2002, 3 losses 2010-2012, loss 1/2014
  • I've been dealing with this issue as well. I'm 14 weeks and my dr. said I could stop. I havent completely stopped yet though. I'm a complete nervous wreck over it! I'm glad I'm not alone.

  • My doctor told me that I could stop anytime after 12 weeks because that is when the placenta takes over. I am going to continue mine until I hit 16 weeks, because then I start my P17 shots. 
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    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • Yeah, I was scared to go off as well. At 13 weeks I decided to start tapering. I was taking 200 mg x 2 a day. I started only taking it once a day instead. Tonight is the first night I'll be off it completely, but I haven't noticed any difference cutting the dose in half.
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    5 IUIs to get BFP w/baby #1
    3 IUIs to get BFP w/baby #2
    Lost baby #2 at nearly 12 weeks (D&C on 9/19/14)
  • My Dr had me stop at 10 weeks, and said tapering off wasn't necessary.  We've had an u/s since then and everything thing was fine, so I'm sure you'll be fine!


    On a side note, those of you taking them longer than needed, sheesh!  Isn't that a bit pricey?  Mine were $4 a pill and I took one a day for four weeks and then two a day for two weeks.  Plus I did not enjoy the white goo that secreted out of my all day!  I was thrilled to be done with them! 

    Happily Mrs. C 
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    start ttc #1 in Jan 2009
    dx PCOS in May 2010, begin metformin
    Two failed clomid cycles (made lining too thin)
    Started acupuncture while saving for IVF in Sept 2011
    Add herbal infusions to the mix in Dec 2011
    Hoping holistic approach works!!!

    BFP on April 2012 at 11dpo
    Meepy Man born on Jan 2013 - Hip Hip Hurray!

    Ready to start ttc #2 April 2013, but plan to be an extended BF'er
    Back on metformin Aug 2013
    Restart herbal infusions Sept 2013 - currently drinking nettle, oatstraw, and red raspberry leaf
    DS weaned in April 2014
    Taking a break from herbs and just riding the healthy train.  
    Planning medicated cycle end of summer.  FX I get KU before then!!!
  • My ob said to stop at 14 weeks and I am nervous.  Although I will be happy not to deal with the mess anymore! 
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  • imageGraceyandTroy:

    My Dr had me stop at 10 weeks, and said tapering off wasn't necessary.  We've had an u/s since then and everything thing was fine, so I'm sure you'll be fine!


    On a side note, those of you taking them longer than needed, sheesh!  Isn't that a bit pricey?  Mine were $4 a pill and I took one a day for four weeks and then two a day for two weeks.  Plus I did not enjoy the white goo that secreted out of my all day!  I was thrilled to be done with them! 

    Wow that is expensive!  Mine are $10 a bottle and I take 200mg twice a day.  The bottle lasts for about 4 weeks.   

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic BabyFruit Ticker DD#1 3/04 *TTC #2 since 6/2010 EDD 1/30/13 changed to 2/4/13 we are having boy/girl twins!
  • I was taking a progesterone suppository from 10 weeks to 12 weeks. My midwife @ my 12 week appt said I could stop now or take it another week. For the remainder of the week I just took it once a day since I had so many leftovers. My midwife let me know that the baby is taking over and producing progesterone so not to worry. I worried that I would begin spotting but everything is great!  Just think one less thing to do. Plus, panty liners are no longer needed! :)
  • I stopped taking them at ten weeks. I had a previous miscarriage so I was very nervous too, but I am sooo happy to say that I am now 14 wks and everything is great :)  Once the meds have served their purpose the rest is up to the placenta :) Good luck!!!
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  • imagernbartlett:

    and scared to come off?

    I'll be 13 weeks on monday and it will be my last week. I am SO nervous something bad will happen. Can anyone ease my mind?

    I came off of those and estrogen supplements at 12 weeks. I requested that my doctor check my levels as I weaned off, and she was willing to do so. My levels were great, so I felt more comfortable when we finished out last injection 2 days later. Completely normal to be a bit nervous... :)

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  • imagemamak0328:

    My Dr had me stop at 10 weeks, and said tapering off wasn't necessary.  We've had an u/s since then and everything thing was fine, so I'm sure you'll be fine!


    On a side note, those of you taking them longer than needed, sheesh!  Isn't that a bit pricey?  Mine were $4 a pill and I took one a day for four weeks and then two a day for two weeks.  Plus I did not enjoy the white goo that secreted out of my all day!  I was thrilled to be done with them! 

    Wow that is expensive!  Mine are $10 a bottle and I take 200mg twice a day.  The bottle lasts for about 4 weeks.   

    That's nothing... I paid $50/vial and a vial lasted 5 days... I was on them for 11 weeks! And the estrogen was $4/patch and I was on 6 patches/week for 16? weeks... Not complaining one iota... So. Completely. worth it! ;)

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  • imageGraceyandTroy:

    My Dr had me stop at 10 weeks, and said tapering off wasn't necessary.  We've had an u/s since then and everything thing was fine, so I'm sure you'll be fine!


    On a side note, those of you taking them longer than needed, sheesh!  Isn't that a bit pricey?  Mine were $4 a pill and I took one a day for four weeks and then two a day for two weeks.  Plus I did not enjoy the white goo that secreted out of my all day!  I was thrilled to be done with them! 


    Mine is 30.00 for a month of them, and I would rather pay some extra money to ease my mind a little bit. Being PgAL, something as small as taking it a little longer helps me :)

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    image Robby James born 2.24.12 @ 23 weeks due to preterm labor
    Remembering Robby
  • I took my last one yesterday morning. I am enjoying being off them but still a bit nervous even though I know we don't need to be 
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  • I went off mine at 10wks and the doctor assured me all is well.  I have since had 2 ultrasounds and all is well.  I'm sure you will be fine. 
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  • eb1113eb1113 member

    I took progesterone supplements when I was pg with DD and this pregnancy.  With DD, I was SOOOO nervous when my prescription ended.  I had a few weeks between when I stopped taking them and went to the doctor. 

    This time around, I was actually happy to stop taking them.  I was getting real tired of the instant nausea I would feel when I took it at night.  (I took 1 pill twice a day)  I am nervous, but I think I'll be nervous until I can feel the baby moving. 

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  • I stopped mine right before 10 weeks (was on 200mg orally) and everything is totally fine with baby, and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I feel totally awful when I take it so I was happy to stop. It's like a black cloud was lifted after I was off them for a few days. 
  • I was doing daily progesterone injections from BFP to 10 weeks and the doctor said I should quit. I did do every other day for about a week (till I ran out of needles) after that and have been ok so far!

     I agree that it is really nervewracking to quit- those injections became a security blanket of sorts for me!

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