
Why would agency charge more for specific gender (of toddler)?

I have to say I kinda was taken back that Lifetime Adoptions charges an extra $2,000 for a specific gender.  I 'maybe' can understand that if a BM doesnt know the gender and she picks you, etc BUT I was inquirying about children already born (toddlers) and she said they charge $2k more for a specfic gender.  Im a the only one that thinks that is absurd?
DS- 4 years old, Natural m/c @ 7 weeks-12/1/09. Infertility issues- low ovarian reserve- low AMH and high FSH. Looking into adoption. Trying to figure out where to go with your little one? My favorite website is: Trekaroo AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

Re: Why would agency charge more for specific gender (of toddler)?

  • It makes sense that there may be extra charges for extra preferences. With many adoption situations there comes extra cost and wait times if you're adding in more stipulations. Does that make it right? I don't know. But it is common. 
    Little Slick
    Born 6.26.10
    Forever a Family 11.26.12
  • IRRIRR member
    Because you need to remember, this is a business and therefore they can.  NO, not right, but they say the more preferences you have the longer the wait and it could be more expensive.

    Failed Matches - December 2012, May 2013, December 2013
    Moved on to  gestational surrogacy with a family friend who is our angel and due 7/23/15

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  • Honestly - is it anymore right than white babies costing (often) twice the price? Or really gender selection of a newborn (how is that criteria any different than not wanting to be matched with a variety of social or medical history issues). 

    Supply and demand = the price. And the reality is that it is a business and in adoption you will find all forms of discrimination (regardless of the reasons or sometimes practicality).  

  • It was the first agency that ever mentioned the extra fee (out of the 10 I contacted). I was just surprised that they would charge that for a toddler since it wouldnt be like a BM that doesnt know the sex.  Do they really charge more (or less) for race?  I havent come across that either.
    DS- 4 years old, Natural m/c @ 7 weeks-12/1/09. Infertility issues- low ovarian reserve- low AMH and high FSH. Looking into adoption. Trying to figure out where to go with your little one? My favorite website is: Trekaroo AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • imageMauidAims:
    Do they really charge more (or less) for race?  I havent come across that either.

    Yes. Healthy white infants are in demand, and it's often hard to place AA or mixed race children. So they may stratify their programs with lower fees for minority children in an effort to place more.

  • are you a Lifetime client?
    image Best friends and sisters... 24 months and 16 months
  • imagesilliestbunny:
    are you a Lifetime client?

     No, I am in the process of looking for an agency/attorney.

    DS- 4 years old, Natural m/c @ 7 weeks-12/1/09. Infertility issues- low ovarian reserve- low AMH and high FSH. Looking into adoption. Trying to figure out where to go with your little one? My favorite website is: Trekaroo AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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