I went to a cloth diaper class this week and got really excited about getting a stash started. I took a lot of notes on things that they showed us that I liked (at least the look and feel of) and I am starting to plan out what I'd like to buy for my stash (planning only a one size stash- we're going to use disposables until one size fit).
I am leaning toward a stash that's about half BG 4.0. For ease with daycare and others that will care for LO, I'd rather have several diapers that are the same so it's less for them to learn. Would anyone recommend against having a large percentage of BG?
Then trying to figure out how much variety I should have in the other half of the stash. How many different kids of diapers should I try? My current thinking is to have some TotsBots, Oh Katy, Rumparooz, Flips, and GroVia for the rest along with a few fitteds for overnight. Does this seem reasonable or like too much/not enough variety?
Thanks for your input! I don't really have any friends that use cloth, so it's hard to get opinions elsewhere.
Re: How much variety?
That's a great question. Like you, the majority of my stash is 4.0 BGs and I've used the 3.0s before. However, I wanted to mix in some others so I did a couple of Swaddlebees (raved about on here and youtube), Tots Bots (cute prints and people like 'em) and Charlie Bananas (these are a lot like Fuzzibunz which people love and I don't becuase of a huge open flap at the back but CB has a more closed front gaps which I like).
I have heard great things about TB, Oh Katy and Rumparooz. I would definitely get some of those!
It sounds like you have some good brands to try. Just so you know, LO will not fit in OS diapers right away. Newborn legs are too skinny to fill out the leg holes, even if they claim to fit at 7 lbs.
What I would recommend is first building your newborn stash (prefolds and covers are a good, cheap way to diaper a newborn). Then buy a couple of each kind you're interested in trying. When they're in the transition stage where the bigger diapers fit but they can still fit in newborn diapers, give those brands a try. Then fill out your stash with the diapers you liked. You can either sell the ones you didn't like or keep them around to try again when LO gets older. Certain diapers can work well on an older baby and not so well on a younger baby (or visa versa).
Another option is to do a diaper trial. They send you a bunch of different brands to try, and you just send back the ones you don't like, often for a store credit you can use to buy more of the diapers you did like.
Happy cloth diapering! Let us know if you have specific questions.
Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.
my blog
What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.
Cloth diapering twins, Part II.
The only thing is, you may surprise yourself once you actually put the diapers on the baby with what you do/don't like. Almost every diaper I started my stash with I have resold. I had 1-2 of a wide variety of brands which really helped me narrow down what was important to me: trim fit and comfort on my giant chubster. Also, I thought I would like pockets but I really don't care for them. These days my stash is exclusively GMD prefolds and workhorses, Flip covers, and Swaddlebees Simplex AIOs.
So I guessin answer to your question - I think its best to start out with a very large variety of different brands and types. Then you can whittle it down to a streamlined system of just one or two.
I think it depends on your personality. For me, having all 1 type of diaper would be like having all 1 type of bra. Like maybe you could find something that works well for you- but why? You'd be missing out on so much that could suit you in different situations
At least thats how I see it. But some people find something they like and stick with it and they have no problem with that at all.
When I started off I never bought more than 2 or 3 of any diaper. Now there are a few that I have more of, but frankly, nothing rocks my world so much that I wish I hand an entire stash of the same thing. They each work well in different situations. Also, I like switching up the fit and fabrics so the same thing isn't rubbing against my LO's skin all the time (we've had issues with marks when we put her in the same thing over and over).
If I had bought a bunch of 4.0s, I would have been in trouble. They are too short in the rise to fit my son. Luckily, we tried some different types (borrowed from friends) before we were ready to take the plunge past PFs and covers. We are currently a 2-dipe family... Kawaii Originals/Ultra Softs (the difference in these is negligible) for day and Thirsties AIOs for night. I stick with what I know works because it's cheap and easy that way. I really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything with what we have going on now. (and FWIW, I only have 1 type of bra, in about a dozen colors.