I left my job in February and my loss was in April. I didn't go back to my old job, it would just be too painful to be back with all those people in the place where I spent so much of my pregnancy. So, I have been keeping my eye out for part time, close to home, low pressure jobs. I though I had found one, and was actually expecting to gets asked to start immediately. This morning I got the email that they are going in a different direction. Bummer. Two other applicants had more availability (more availability? I am home all day, every day!) I didn't say that though, I should have. But I am still afraid of being overwhelmed by responsibilities, so I only offered to work a few days a week.
It was so hard to update my resume and to put myself out there, and agonize over the possibility of explaining why I left my last job, and then to just get knocked down, it really sucks! These little setbacks seem so big now.
This is just a vent...I didn't even tell anyone I applied for a job, not even my husband, so I have to tell someone, and you ladies are my go-to should to cry on.
Re: Feeling Deflated
Source: weheartit.com via Captain on Pinterest
I agree. I'm 7 months out (today) and sometimes I still feel I get the wind knocked out of me when I get setback but somehow I find the strength to keep pushing on.
*HUGS* to everyone.
Thanks for the positive support. Im having a blah kind of day.
I can wait to really start looking, it's just that when I saw this opening, it thought it would be a great fit, and I am starting to get kind of antsy being home all the time. I'm also a little jealous that my husband gets to go to work and happy hours and interact with other people, and I have anxiety about going outside. lol
Maybe I should just join the gym or just become a regular at the coffee shop.