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Prolactin normal - no period - making milk? Any advice?

Hey all, I'm new here so I'm not really sure if I'm posting in the right place, but here's my story (kinda long!):

First off, I'm 20 years old and have never had a child before. My hubby and I do not use any sort of preventative method for birth control.

February - Light period. We did not have sex in February because hubby was at boot camp. 

March -  Very light period (we're talking 1 day). My right boob started making "milk", and a lot of it! There's so much that sometimes it squirts me in the chin or gets all over my mirror while dressing, drying off after a shower, etc.

April - Another light period. These are not normal for me. This one was about 2-3 days. 

May - I went to the doctor about my breast discharge. She checked my prolactin and said it was normal. I had another March-style period (1 day); I could've gotten away with 1 tampon even, but obviously I didn't (gross).

June - I was supposed to get my period June 28-29. I'm now 13-14 days late and ridiculously bloated and zitty. I almost passed out twice in the shower (which passing out a few times a year isn't abnormal for me, but I figured I'd add it) and I had to stop once during sex because I was so nauseous; I felt like I was on a roller coaster, lol.

Anywho! Since my prolactin is apparently normal, does anyone know why I'm making milk and super zitty and bloated, and why my periods have been so light or nonexistent for the past several months? I took two tests on the 2nd and 3rd of July, both of which came back negative. Could I be preggers or is my body just weird?

Re: Prolactin normal - no period - making milk? Any advice?

  • Also, at what point after a missed period would you see a doctor? I'm not trying to conceive but I wouldn't be unhappy either. I just want to know what's going on,  ya know?
  • You could try this over on the Trying to get pregnant board (TTGP), I'm not totally sure how it'll go over. Generally "am I pregnant?" posts tend to not go over to well so if you do prepare yourself for the possibility of a snarky comment or two. But considering the confusion of this it might be kosher....

    Did your doc do a pregnancy test? If you took two about 10 days ago it may have been to early to test. What did doc say about the lactation? Even pregnant, full on lactation before your baby comes is very rare. I started making and heavily leaking colostrum around 20 weeks but not to the extent that it squirted out (and I know all about squirting milk, I've dealt with over supply and over active letdown with my daughter). 

    Take another test, if it's neg then wait to see if you get a period (I *believe* general rule is 40days with no period then you call your doc)

    Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
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  • Oh gosh. Snarky is not what I'm aiming to get.

    My doc did a pregnancy test May 1 but it was negative. She didn't say anything about the lactation other than that my prolactin levels were normal. 

     Forty days sounds good. I'll make an appointment soon. Thank you! 

  • It almost makes me wonder if you might have something more serious going on. I don't want to spook you, but I've had some medical issues overlooked by army doctors (I was an army brat) that could have landed me on dialysis if it weren't for a clear-headed ER doctor. Second opinions are always worth it.
  • Your symptoms sounds very similar to what I had when I was 16.  

    I was diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma when I was 16 (10 yrs ago). After my regular PCP and GYN could not figure out what was going on with my body, they referred me to an endocrineologist. The endo ordered an MRI of my brain and was able to see I had a benign tumor called a pituiatry adenoma. Its teeny tiny.

    There are many men and women who have it and they never ever notice any symptoms. Some of us, however, do. Similar to you, my period stopped coming and I was also producing breast milk. The only difference was that my prolactin levels were prety high.

     After being diagnosed with pituitary adenoma, my endo put me on bromocriptine which I take every day. My periods have been normal ever since and I am not producing anymore breast milk. yay!lol.

    I know its sounds a little scary but my doc assured me its not a big deal. However, if you're prolactic levels are high, this may get in the way of trying to conceive.

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