Working Moms

New working mom questions!

So I will be a first time teacher this year.  DD will be 5 months when she goes to DC.  She hates taking a bottle. Hubs gives her one once a day and 90% of the time age won't. I am not home or around, and we have tried tons of nipples.  However when my fam was visiting I went somewhere for 8 hrs and she was home with dad. After fighting a bit, she did eat.... So I know she can take a bottle, but I'm stressed about her fighting the DC teachers! Is this a sign she will adjust eventually?

My other question is I will NOT have my own classroom. Sooooo anyone deal with this? Any suggestions? I was thinking I would pump on my way to work and during lunch/pp then nurse right when I get home. What did u ladies do to clean the pump in between? Just use wipes at work, then clean at home? Any suggestions for how to lug my milk/pump/and work stuff around all day?

And my last question, how do I broach the subject of needing a place to pump? I don't know anyone at this school, and I'm assuming other bf teachers just used their classroom, which is not an option for me obviously. Any advice is deeply appreciated!! 

Re: New working mom questions!

  • I rinsed, wiped, and then cleaned at home.  Some put the pump parts in the refrigerator. 

    They need to supply you with a place to pump...maybe your storage room for your classroom.  I know that's where my sister went. She had to share it with a colleague so they developed a system.  Here at work I'm in the sotrage closet as well. I lock the door, and have a little stop sign sticker I put the old sock or tie on the door knob to let people know it's occupied.

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  • I worked from home so I can't help with the pumping issue but I can tell you with utter certainty that my DD has never taken a bottle from me. Not until she weaned and could feed herself at 13 months. She even gave DH a hard time if they were at home (because she knew I was coming back eventually). And it didn't matter. She ate at daycare. The first week or so was tough -- so brace yourself. But she eventually came around and started drinking full bottles there. I've always declared my baby the worst case scenario in bottle hating (I was legitimately worried they'd kick her out of daycare) and if she could adjust, I believe any baby can! Good luck!
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  • I purchased multiple pump parts and kept them on me. After pumping, I put the used parts in a plastic grocery bag and used a clean set the next go round. Then I washed them all at night. I kept all the parts, hard sided containers, lids, etc in the MPISA backpack.  When I was in the office, I put the milk into the cooler bag with the ice pack.

    I've traveled several times to other offices and really all you need to pump is a enclosed space with a chair and ideally an outlet (although you can use the battery pack). Is there a storage closet you can use? If not, and you are in a room with a female teacher, woudl you be comfortable using a bebe au lait (nursing cover)? I've pumped on airplanes, in airport bathrooms, sitting in airport lobby' in my opinion, you can be "in public" and be discrete.

  • I think for some kids, it just takes time to adjust to the bottle.  Both my kids hated the bottle, but learned to take it okay once they were in daycare full time.  It may take her a few days, but she'll either get it, or start nursing more when she's with you.  She won't starve.

    Don't know about where to pump (the car?), but I just wanted to add that I never rinsed or cleaned pump parts between sessions.  BM is good at room temp for 8 hours or so, and I never had any problems.  I just threw everything in the dishwasher at night.  I found it helped to have more than one set of parts.  I carried my pump around and kept the parts in there, then carried a separate work bag. 

    I would just ask about a space to pump.  I doubt you're the first one that's ever had this problem!

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  • Not a teacher, but I've seen this posted before.  Some teachers mention supply closets, the school nurse's office, other people's offices such as guidance counselor, librarian, etc.  I would just call and ask your principal.
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  • At my school, you could use a free conference room (we have 3), or a counselor's office, or the nurse's room, or maybe even a free classroom.  Not sure what kind of space your school will have.  Also, all traveling teachers are given an office at my school.

    I go back when DD is 5 months too.  Would love to stay home though! 

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  • Oh, and make friends with the secretary.  They usually know everything and could help you find a place to pump.
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  • Thank you all so much! I already have extra pump parts, and I like the idea of just switching em out and throwing the used bits in a bag to clean at home. Saves me from buying cleaning wipes! I will need to find a good cooler bag- any suggestions??

    I am hoping I will have an office, so I may be able to use that for at least one pump session. Maybe my car if I have to. Thanks for the suggestions and reassurance- I hope se adjusts ok to daycare, even if she never takes a bottle from me or DH! And making friends with tr secretary- good call! Lol, thanks!! 

  • Have you tried different positions for bottle feeding? Upright with her back against YH's tummy/chest, in the bouncer, etc? My son will only take it if he's not being held. DC should be fine, just warn them and tell them what worked for you at home, if anything. GL!
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