Baby Names

Does your family sway your decision?

I have a name picked out for both a girl and a boy.  The boy first and middle are very classic names.  The girl first name is also a very classic name.  However, the girl middle name is a little "different" but not trendy or anything.  It has very special meaning to me and I would have thought to my mom's side of the family as well.  Well, apparently my mom hates it.  In the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter what she thinks, but it is disappointing to see that something that was meant to be in memory of someone very special to me doesn't seem to be appreciated by anyone but me.  I just wonder if my daughter (if its a girl) is going to hate her name. 

For those curious, the name is Lauren Georgia. Georgia is after my late grandfather (my mom's dad).

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Re: Does your family sway your decision?

  • KarmBKarmB member
    nooooooo. We had the names picked out since getting pregnant and we told them when we found out the sex. Their names meant something to us


  • Same a PP, we had LO's name picked out before he was born and we told no one for exactly this reason. I didn't want to hear any complaints or any swaying arguments because it's our child and we named him what we wanted. I think Lauren Georgia is nice and it's special to you because so you should use it and who cares what they think. They will accept it once she is born, you will see. Its not like its Neveah or anything Wink
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  • This is one of the reasons we kept our names a secret. My family is very opinionated and would have shot down every name. Lauren Georgia is gorgeous!
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  • We're not telling anyone cause i know whatever i like everyone is going to hate, i think your name is great
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  • skioskio member
    No. Because I don't tell them our names. Funny how that works, eh?
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  • Nope, and we didn't share the names either. 

    FWIW, Lauren Georgia is lovely. 

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  • No, child is our child ... not the rest of the family. I really don't care what is thought.
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