me. :-(
Yesterday, we had bought my DD a new slide which she loves. She promptly fell off the top and got a bad rug burn on the tip of her nose.
Today I put her in a kitchen chair Skyping with grandmom while I cut her up an orange. I look over to see her taking a head first dive off of the chair. Her nose scab opened up and there was enough blood to make me, DD, and my mom on Skype to freak out.
I feel horrible. My kid looks terrible. If I take her in public people might call CPS since she is all bruised up (not really but she looks that bad)! DD and I are both going to get ice cream tonight for this one.
Can you guys post GIFs to cheer me up please?
Re: Bad mom of the year award goes to...
Those things happen. DD was climbing on her Anywhere Chair the other day and took a dive head first into her zoo. It sucked. Here is a GIF for ya!
awesome sauce!
My kid went face first on the concrete yesterday. It was like slow motion as she stumbled then fell and I tried to catch her but didn't make it in time. Bruised forehead, scraped nose and knees poor girl
I have no gifs but Z was running at the library and tripped and fell face first on the rug. She had such a bad rug burn on her nose and forehead. She nearly always has a bruise on her head. Her head is apparently bigger than most babies and so she is extra top heavy.
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If it makes you feel any better, I called to set up DD1's dentist appt. I figured she was about due for her 6 month check-up in like August....nope last April. My poor girl's teeth are going to rot out because I can't keep track of when she is due for a dentist appt.
Sorry I am don't know how to post a GIF otherwise I would....they are fantastic.