Cloth Diapering

Annoying things people say when you tell them you are CDing

We plan on cloth diapering our daughter who is due in 4 weeks. I only have one girlfriend who uses cloth diapers on her kids. Whenever I mention our choice to use CDs to other friends they say "Good luck with that" or " That won't last very long." It annoys me because none of them have actually tried CDing. I think maybe they're just embarrassed that they use disposables and it makes them feel better to try to make me feel silly about wanting to use cloth. I really don't know. Anyone get these comments?
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Re: Annoying things people say when you tell them you are CDing

  • Most of these from my MIL

    - You can't cloth diaper all the time.

    -He will get so many rashes

    -He won't fit in his clothes

    -They look so hot, he will probably always sweat and have a red bottom

    I try to educate her but it's no use. I also get the your crazy looks and comments and of course the what if you poke him with pins.


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  • nattnnattn member
    You better get used to it, it will never stop! I usually don't talk about it with people because they're so negative. All my friends and family know I CD and I'm happy to answer questions, but I just don't bring it up to people.
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  • I'm already annoyed by what people say and we haven't even gotten our diapers in the mail. I think some of it comes down to people just not being educated that cloth diapering is not the old fold and pin diapers. My SIL told us we were crazy and my DH explained they can be as easy as disposables, and she still gave us the side eye. Angry
  • I though it was crazy, until I learned about all the improvements. They're still thinking pins & rubber pants. Just try to educate. At least that way, they'll either learn, or not want to bring it up again for fear of hearing your speech.
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  • From my MIL with a chuckle, "We'll see how long that plan lasts."
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  • I'm pretty happy to talk up our cloth use, though we tend to not get flack for it. It's cheaper, prettier, healthier and just as easy imo. I always tell naysayers its a no-brainer and that shuts them up ;)
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  • I have been pleasantly surprised at how open-minded people are. My mom was skeptical (not in a jerky way) but once she saw them and how easy they are now she thought it was cool. My SIL visited recently with her 9-month-old and tried them out (since we have OS) and really liked them.

    I think it's like anything else out of the norm, like being a vegan. As long as you made the right decision for you, eff the haters :-D

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  • Top two worst comments:

    1. Well won't you get poop all over your washing machine and other clothes?

    2. But CDing really isn't more eco-friendly since you use so much water!

    Grrrr.  But I will say, I've proudly converted five of my friends to CD and they have all not looked back.  I love to help people to understand the truth.

  • I got tons of remarks from both of our families like:
    -oookkk...have fun with that!
    -SURE you will...
    -not after your first poopy diaper you won't
    -I said the same thing with you and your sister and THAT didn't last
    -ew, that's just unsanitary (yes I am serious).
    Even DH was a skeptic but he never said anything he just let me go and order them and planned to make me to all the laundry.

    Now that we have them, DH loves them, and I've even gotten apologies from my parents about their comments and my MIL thinks they are adorable. My mom asked me to teach her how to do use the prefolds and covers, and DH asked me how to wash them!! Even some of my friends who are expecting have asked me about them when they see pics of her adorably fluffy bum on facebook. I still get some side-eyes but they mostly come from people who have never CD'd or haven't CD'd in the last 20+ years so I don't let it bother me; I just try to educate :) .

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  • I didn't know a single person who CDed when DD was a baby in Knoxville, TN. Now with DD2 in Seattle it almost feels like everyone does it. 
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  • My MIL and SIL have had no problem saying to me "oh you'll see", " That wont last long"... Since this is my first and I am young ( 22) they have told me that i "just don't know" ...

    My grandmother, instead of being happy and supportive when I first said thats what we are doing said " well you can't do it all the time, the caregivers/ daycare won't  go for that"

     it's a lovely feeling that no one close to me except lovely DH believes in me 

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  • I haven't gotten too many negative comments (maybe it's because I live in Seattle too?), but a lot of curiosity about it. My pedi was actually one who said "good luck with that", but now she always admires DD's diapers and asks me questions about them. A lot of people see her dipes & think they are cute.
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  • vtwd40vtwd40 member

    I didn't know a single person who CDed when DD was a baby in Knoxville, TN. Now with DD2 in Seattle it almost feels like everyone does it. 

    I'm in Knoxville, and I think it's a bit better now. There's even a CD store in Knox Center mall!! I even found a DC that will do cloth!

    I get a lot of "it won't last" and "eww...poop in the washer"

    Now that she's 3 months old, everyone asks me how it's going. We love it. Even DH says he loves them. The few times I've had to put a sposie on her, I change her back ASAP. Sposies are GROSS!!

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  • imagekmhunt11:
    I didn't know a single person who CDed when DD was a baby in Knoxville, TN. Now with DD2 in Seattle it almost feels like everyone does it. 

    I live in Knoxville! Its actually picked up a bit here. We have TWO (yes! TWO) Cloth diaper stores. haha. (though I've never been to either. lol) but I know a few handfuls of people that CD 

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  • aveehaveeh member

    I agree with everyone saying that they are just uneducated.  Most people are actually interested when i talk about the "new and improved" kind of CDing, no pins or plastic pants.

    When I was looking into it I definitely asked a woman at church who CDs if it makes her washer smell poopy.  She just looked at me, lifted up her shirt and said, "Well do I smell like poop?"  I was so embarassed, but I get how people just don't understand until they see it.

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  • vtwd40vtwd40 member

    I didn't know a single person who CDed when DD was a baby in Knoxville, TN. Now with DD2 in Seattle it almost feels like everyone does it. 

    I live in Knoxville! Its actually picked up a bit here. We have TWO (yes! TWO) Cloth diaper stores. haha. (though I've never been to either. lol) but I know a few handfuls of people that CD 

    THe one in the mall is better IMO. The other one was not nearly as friendly.

    And yes, not to hijack...people just don't know any better. They think of old CDs and everyone is so used to just throwing disposables away that they can't think how CDs are just as easy. I tell people that we don't have blowouts and they look at me like "yeah,'re just saying that." And I can go 12+ hours at night without a leak. Beat that sposies!!

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  • You'll get this alot but sometimes you get the reverse people think your a saint for doing CD so you might get some praise along with the annoying negativity.  I just brush both off.  I agree w/ PP educate educate educate!  When ppl get int he situation and it gets expensive and you've educated them they might just consider it.  I started bc a friend was doing it and now there are probably 10 of us in my mom circle doing it!  We all love it!

      My mom was totally unsupportive and had bought me lots of disposables for baby and I asked her to stop and kept telling her we were CD but she wouldnt stop she just didnt get it.  After 3 months of cloth suddenly she was educating people and bragging about CD and how great it is and how cute they are.  Dont be discouraged they're awesome! 

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  • I've gotten those exact comments! Some of our family are surprisingly supportive, but I think it's like PP said, most folks have NO IDEA what a modern cloth diapering system looks like. I brought a bunch of different kinds in to work to show off, and all of the ladies were really surprised. The cute factor also really helps!

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  • When I first told co-workers we were going with cloth, they made bets that it wouldn't last.  They all even gave me disposable diapers before I went on Mat leave.  Well I have been clothing for 2 years and ready to cloth the scond :) So There!!!!
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  • Honestly, about half the people we know are using cloth diapers (although most are not 100% exclusive, more like ~90% of the time using CDs - disposables for travel or long days out, or something). The comments we get are either that we might need some liners for diaper rash or that we might want to have a backup plan if the diapers are too big for a newborn, and that we'll really need to change the kid right away. The same comments come from people who've used cloth and those who haven't.

    Kid's not due for a few months, but so far nobody thinks it's a big deal whatever we decide to do.


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  • imageleapgirl8:

    I think it's like anything else out of the norm, like being a vegan. As long as you made the right decision for you, eff the haters :-D

    I'm vegan! :) Which may be why I'm used to being quizzed on my lifestyle choices. 

    To all the prego mommies, don't worry. The best is yet to come. Once you get started and get into the CD groove, people's comments will change. They will be fascinated and curious to learn about CDs. Just keep your chin up and do what's best for your LOs. It will all fall into place. 

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  • I've had many people ask why we use cloth, but the only negative-ish or ignorant comment was from a friend who wanted to do cloth, but didn't continue for an unknown reason. I think she just had her nose out of joint because it worked for us.
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  • imageaveeh:

    I agree with everyone saying that they are just uneducated.  Most people are actually interested when i talk about the "new and improved" kind of CDing, no pins or plastic pants.

    When I was looking into it I definitely asked a woman at church who CDs if it makes her washer smell poopy.  She just looked at me, lifted up her shirt and said, "Well do I smell like poop?"  I was so embarassed, but I get how people just don't understand until they see it.

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  • BLM10BLM10 member


    I highly doubt they are embarrassed. I used Pampers for a very long time and wasn't at all interested in cloth until one day, I just was suddenly curious. Doesn't mean I'm embarrassed I chose to use disposables. Every person uses what they think is best for their family, for a variety of reasons.

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