
Okay. So we've started potty training the twins...

And so far we've had one pee in the potty (she was horrified), two pees on the sofa, mystery poop throughout the house, all day demands to watch Elmo's potty DVD (kill me), the potties have been taken outside and covered in sidewalk chalk, dinner has been dumped into the potties, panties have been worn on heads and panties are now being worn on top of their diapers.

They are also refusing to take off their spiderman outfits. 

It's been an interesting week at our place. 

God help us.

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Re: Okay. So we've started potty training the twins...

  • Was just discussing similar events with a coworker who has a ruined Pottern barn ottoman because her son peed on it.  My son peed on furniture 3 times this weekend and spread poop all over.

    I certainly am not pushing potty training.  I honestly think mine are too young.

    Good luck!!! 

    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • imageE&RMommy:

    Was just discussing similar events with a coworker who has a ruined Pottern barn ottoman because her son peed on it.  My son peed on furniture 3 times this weekend and spread poop all over.

    I certainly am not pushing potty training.  I honestly think mine are too young.

    Good luck!!! 

    I dont believe there is a too young. stubborn yes to young no.  DD peed on the couch a lot, pooped on my foot twice,  took her potty with pee in it and poured it into per drawer ( luckily no clothing in it), I can't actually count how many times poo was put places/smeared where it shouldn't.  

    Question for you ladies?  Do you keep socks on their feet?  DD hated her socks wet and it actually helped with her going  potty in the potty.  Also,do they still use sippy cups? We got rid of DD's because she was constantly drinking with it.  Once we upgraded her to a toddler cup everything else got easier. 

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  • Interesting. Thank god we're poor and everything is from ikea. The girls can pee all they want all over my Hemnes, Dagstrop, Framsta and Soder.

    Can you imagine me telling their grandparents about our potty training escapades? We watched Elmo and then the twins got pee all over my soder. No, not sofa, soder. Soder. SODER. The ceiling lamp, dammit! And no, I don't know how it happened either!

    And it might just be me, but I'm dreading having to clean out the potties. I think that will be much worse than diapers. If it were up to me, I'd have them in diapers until they were 6, just in case. 

    DH on the other hand (genius of the household) was the first to clean out the potty (just pee) and instead of taking it to dump in the toilet upstairs, he dumped it in the kitchen sink and scrubbed it out with a dish sponge. Then he put that dish sponge at "the back" of the sink, with the "real dish sponge" (that looks identical) at the front of the sink to diffentiate.

    I asked him how we are meant to tell the difference and he said "well, the one at the back of the sink is grungier and it has pee on it. Don't use that one for dishes". To which I responded


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  • argh I hate when DH does stuff like that.  Cleaning the potty isn't that bad especially in comparison to cleaning it from places it shouldn't be.  I just use water first to wash out anything likes bits of poo ( can you tell I have gone through this already). I stopped getting grossed out long ago.  Cleaning pee from a dresser draw ( luckily we used plastic drawers from walmart) is disgusting because it was dry.. *barf*.  Have you cleaned poop off your children yet?  We HAD to potty train DD.  She refused to wear diapers.  She would pull them off and play with her poop.  I would wake up with a baby covered in it.  All in her hair.. everywhere.  Poor little things have NO IDEA that its not a good idea to do it so you can't really blame them.  Its funny after its done and you think back on all the things that went crazy during that time. 

    to think I am going to be going through it all again x2.. oivey.. 

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  • srbmvpsrbmvp member
    oh man, we've been talking about starting to PT DS1, you guys have me officially scared! Surprise
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