Baby Names

EmmaBella Rian

Seriously? What you couldn't choose? LOVE capital letters?

Oh wait I know, you wanted your child to have the support of a double name because you couldn't give a sh*t about her and take credit when really everyone else in your family are the ones raising your son and of course will be raising your daughter too while your out getting drunk, doing drugs and getting KU by yet another man. 

And really, learn to spell. It's Ryan.

Disclaimer: I despise this women IRL, she disgusts me. Cantchatell? 

Rant over.

ETA - Am I the only one who reads her first name with an Italian accent? And does the little italian-chef-finger-touchy thing at the same time?

Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
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Re: EmmaBella Rian

  • That's how I thought it was pronounced to but nope this women wants it pronounced Ryan.
    Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
    imageLilypie - (qCSN)Lilypie - (5rzN)imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers

  • OKay...not a fan of the first name, but Rian is totally legit.
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  • Apparently I can't read... I thought the middle name was Rain. 

    EmmaBella is pretty bad.  


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Rian is the way the feminine version of Ryan is spelled. It's the Gaelic spelling. I've known several woman named Rian spelled this way. I do not like the first name at all.
    “On the Road that I have taken, one day walking I awaken, amazed to see where I've come, where I'm going, where I'm from.” ― Dean Koontz, The Book Of Counted Sorrows

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  • That is an uber fussy, disgusting name to me anyway.

    EmmaBella? Gross. 


  • Whoops I saw Rain.

    Rian aka Ryan is worse. 

  • That is a hot mess
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  • I agree w pps Rian actually is a legit female version but not sure she even knew that.   Emmabella is horrid
  • EmmaBella is bad but not that bad IMO. I would prefer the double names separate that way it wouldn't look so awful. Although, I was more shocked by OP's rant than the LO's name :S

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