I know this is parenting board but I doubt the tri's will be helpful.
With DS I started contracting around 29 weeks. They were not BH contrax. They were painful and very very regular. I went into L&D several times after the first trip I required 2 or more shots of turbutaline(sp?) to stop them. I always showed up on the strips as having definite labor pattern and no amount of IV fluid or water made them stop.
After my FFN test came back neg at around 32 weeks the douchy OB (I have other issues with him) told me I had an irritable uterus. I was told not to go to the ER until I couldn't talk/walk through the contractions.
I asked one of the new OBs (I went to a new office 1hr away, none others closer) when they advised I go to the hospital with contractions. The answers I got were "when they are regular for more than 30 minutes." I've never not had regular contractions.
So I guess the point of this is when would you go in? I live 1 hr away from the office and the hospital I can't run back and forth all the time for nothing but on the same hand I'm terrified to wait too long and deliver a preemie in an area unequipped to handle one.
Re: Did anyone deal with an irritable uterus?
I did.
With my 2nd pg, I contracted anywhere between 4 to 15 times an hour from 28 weeks on. With my 3rd, I contracted that often starting about 26 weeks. My doc kept an eye on my cervical length - it was always long and strong - and I was actually induced with those pregnancies.
They got worse when I was running around too much or when I didn't get enough water, better when I was well-rested.
ETA: When would I go in: I'd go in when I got very low cramping or had to concentrate through contractions.
My Blog
I had an irritable uterus from about 25 weeks until I delivered at 35 for unrelated reasons.. Since it was a twin pregnancy, they already had a close eye on me. I did end up in L&D twice and got a scrip for terbetuline.
I would definitely go in if you think something is not right. Better to be safe!
I did, from 30 weeks on. I went in twice for real, timeable contractions that they stopped with terbutaline and gave me IVs for in case I was dehydrated. I say better safe than sorry if you have tried resting and drinking tons of water and they don't slow down/become irregular. My doctors said to try that for an hour and then call back if it was still happening.
Of course, after all that, B didn't make her actual appearance until 41 weeks, lol.
BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10
BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15
I had severe cramping starting at 12 weeks and now full-on contractions since 18ish weeks. I'm on nifedipine so the contractions dont make my previa bleed. I asked my ob when to get concerned. He said never to ignore my symptoms and that I'd know. Seemed like a huge load of bs. Well, I'm an ob/gyn and decided to make my own rules about this- even though I hate, hate, hate being my own patient. This is what I came up with.
Unusual nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea with contractions
Pain more than I'd expect from my usual contractions
"something just didn't feel right"
This way, I go about my business contracting and not worrying. My cervix is long, so I can do this without worrying about labor too much. If you're comfortable with just contracting, you may want to set your own limits too.