So we decided that for Buddy's 3rd birthday we would buy him a "big boy bed" He's currently in a toddler bed and has been since he was like 1ish (he is a skinny little climber monkey and was getting out of his crib)
Eventually (like when Tiny is 12-18 months) we will move both boys together into Buddy's room and turn Tiny's nursery into a play room with all the toys in there instead of having both of them have separate rooms and toys in both spaces.
I am leaning towards just doing Twin beds in Buddy's room as its not HUGE its large for sure (13x12) Not including closet space. But I never slept on anything smaller than a queen sized bed, even as a child. So I don't know. Are twin beds really small? Like will it not be a huge difference from a toddler bed? I'm going to move the toddler bed under the window to use as a couch/daybed until its Tiny's turn.
Also would you buy it used off craigslist? The frame, not the mattress. I've found a couple really cute, nice wood frames and DH LOVES woodworking, so he could refinish it for him.
Re: New bed for Buddy (twin vs full)
confession: I've never even seen a twin bed.
Would it be big enough for me to go and sleep with him when he wakes up at night?
My 4 to is a complete squirmer and is just fine in a twin. I have also slept with her at night several times when she's been sick/had nightmares and we haven't had any problems. I'd just put bed rail up to prevent falling for a couple/few years.
This should be fine up until he's like 6 or 7... then you'll both start feeling a bit squished. But at that age you probably won't go in as often. I slept on a twin sized bed until I was out of college and married. Also, I think craigslist for the frame is just fine. You can get some great stuff off craigslist and there shouldn't be anything worse than boogers on a child's bed frame. Washing it and refinishing should make it perfect.
Okay awesome! Thank you all so much! I guess I didn't really think people slept on Twins much any more. Hopefully by 6 or 7 I won't need to go crawl in bed with him much. He had a nightmare a few nights ago and with me, Tiny, Buddy and DH in our queen sized bed. It was CRAMPED. Poor DH almost went to sleep on the couch.
I wanted to wait to do it for his birthday, but I've found a good deal on a frame on CL and might go get it next weekend. If thats the case we'll probably move him into a big boy bed sooner rather than later. Good thing I have a bed rail from our bed sharing days.