My 3 year old has become unbearable.. I love her so much but her behavior has always been bad.. because I am on maternity leave and spending more time with her I am realizing that its CONSTANT mood swings.
For example.. EVERY TIME she wakes from nap (on her own).. she is crying, screaming, ripping her clothes off.. I offer hugs and she swings her arms at me.. I try to ignore her and she screams mommy two hundred times. I offer playtime/snack/tv... she starts screaming NO... I put on her favorite show thinking it will distract her and she screams STOP IT.. (right now this has been going on for 45 minutes)
She does not listen.. constantly has an excuse or an answer as to why she should do something. She cries for hours before bed at night.
DH and I are beside ourselves. I am honestly thinking she needs a psychologist at this point. Im nervous something is seriously wrong.
It's so strange because she can be the most cuddly lovable little girl.. I just dont understand.
She does go to "school" right now for 2 (1/2 days) and 1 full day... she was previously 5 full time days while I work F/T.. they tell me she is perfectly fine at school and does not act out at all.
Re: Is this 'normal' 3 year old behavior?
With the way she acts after naps, my guess is she's maybe waking up too soon from the nap. That's how my ds used to act if his nap was too short. I thought he was getting enough sleep, but then realized that he was much better after longer naps/better sleep at night.
Also, I had to just let him be and work it out of his system without much interaction with him. I know when I'm super tired and someone tries to talk in depth with me right when I wake up, I'm a grump. So, I imagine it's the same for them. Sometimes taking him outside to "look at the trees" or "look for squirrels" helped.
GL to you. It's a challenging age. I can tell you as a school psychologist, if she's acting properly at school, then most likely, there's isn't a major issue. The kids I see act terribly both at school and at home.
thank you all for your support and advice.. not that I want anyone to go through this, but it is comforting knowing I am not alone..
I agree with some of the other posters. My son was a maniac for about 3 months after my daughter was born. I actually called our pediatrician crying, asking her what I was doing wrong. She said the adjustment period can take up to 6 months and to just hold on.
I also picked up a book called "Raising Your Spirited Child" and it has made a huge difference in the way I handle and perceive my son's behavior. I no longer feel like he is always being difficult (sometimes he is because he is 3) but now I realize that he is passionate and stubborn.....both of these are positive traits that will take him far in life but they sure do make things difficult when you are trying to juggle a preschooler and a newborn.
Good will get better!
This makes me feel better b/c my dd also has these horrid mood swings, we call her our sour patch kid....1st she's sour, then she's exhausting, b/c we know she can be so good!
One thing that has helped us is trying to gauge if her blood sugar may be low (like first thing in the morning) and offering her juice right away. We find she is most unbearable when her blood sugar is most likely low