Is this a "fancy" spelling of Kendra or is it a legit name from the land down under?
One of my FB friends just named her kid that and she married a guy from NZ so I'm thinking it's either a version of Kendra I've never heard or a way to spell it NZ style.
Daughter #1 - February 12, 2010
natural m/c March 11, 2011 at 8 1/2 weeks
Daughter #2 - January 11, 2012
Ectopic pregnancy discovered November 6, 2012 at 6 weeks
Daughter #3 - January 19, 2014
Started our exploration into the world of international adoption June 2012. We have no idea what this is going to look like but we are excited to find out!
Re: So how would you say this name?
ETA: No idea if it's a legitimate name, but that's how I would pronounce it.
1/12/13 DD was born
4/9/16 DS was born
9/17 CP
6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19
BFP#1 10 wk missed mc
BFP#2 DS born at 40+2 on 8/14/12 BFP#3 DD Born at 39+3 on 5/13/14
Cole Joseph 7/05/07
Nora Anne 11/03/12
9lbs, 6oz
I would probably say it like that too!
This! and ick.
BFP 08/14/13 EDD 04/18/14 Natural MC 08/19/13
BFP 10/15/13 EDD 06/24/2014 Natural MC 10/23/13
Recurrent Miscarriage Panel done 11/06/13. Results= All normal
BFP 12/2/13 EDD July 30, 2014
Beta 12/3/13: 19,261!
U/S 12/13/13 heart rate 143 bpm!
My Blog
I know a couple of NZers who had a little boy around the same time I had DS2. They not only gave him a TERRIBLE name (think luxury automobile), but they BUTCHERED the spelling as well.
I mean, c'mon!!