Pre-School and Daycare

3 1/2 still has to wear a diaper to poop. how to break this?

my ds has been potty trained on the peeing part since he was 2. He doesnt like to sit on a toliet (we have tried all diffrent kinds of pottys and seats for ours) so when he has to poop he will want a diaper on. i have tried to make him sit on the potty but he wil sit for a minute but want poop. he will hold his poop all day if we dont put a diaper on him and then when we put his pull up on for bed he will poop. he was potty trained even on the pooping and then about 6 month ago he got bad dirreaha and had to wear a pullup, and after that he will not go in the potty. any advice on fixing this?

Re: 3 1/2 still has to wear a diaper to poop. how to break this?

  • ppantsppants member
    I read on one of these boards that the kid wears the diaper while being in the bathroom pooping. Once good with that, then kid sits on the toliet while wearing diaper. Eventually a hole is cut in diaper so when kid poops it will go into toliet. I don't have experience with this method, but I thought it made sense.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • When we PT'd DS at 3.5 we had a similar issue. First of all we had to find a different incentive for pooping than peeing on the potty; for peeing he got a gummy bear, but for pooping he got a chocolate. We of course encouraged him frequently to use the potty to poo and tell us when he needed to go, but if he did have an 'accident' in his night time pull up, we would explain how gross it was to poo in our pants. We weren't scolding him, but if we were going to use the pull ups as undies (as opposed to glorified diapers) then we had to treat them as such. We would also give DS a quick shower to reinforce the yuckyness of pooing our pants. It was super quick, cleansing shower, but DS disliked it enough that he soon started pooing on the potty. 
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