I was in triage last Thursday night for contractions. The doctor said my cervical length was still good at 2.7 but I had "some funneling" which I could clearly see on the ultrasound screen.
If this something I should be concerned about? I don't really know what it is. They didn't seem too worried, but they also sent me home with my contractions continuing after the vistaril didn't work and they weren't make "changes" on my cervix.
Re: Cervix Funneling?
Its really hard to say. Everyone is different. I had some funneling around the exact same time as you. My cervix was a little over 3, but funneled slightly (to a 2.6-ish, I think) with pressure. I had constant contrax too. I worried. I delivered at 36w due to pre-e. I never dilated or went into labor.
I would try not to worry. If your docs aren't super concerned I wouldn't be either. I'd just pay very close attention to your body and take it easy. If you're worried, call/be seen. Its better to be safe.
Good luck!
Just make sure you have very close followup.
Funneling is not always bad but it's never good.
It means the contractions are causing the bag of water to be pushed against your cervix and weakening the cervix from the inside. The shape goes from T to Y to V to U.
Was the funnel large? Was it only with a cough or bearing down?