Cloth Diapering

Any particular brand?

dd2 is 16 months old and weighs 20lbs.  She has failure to thrive so her growth is slow and she has zero fat on her body, so tiny legs.

I have been thinking about trying to cloth diaper lately, and from what I know I think I want pockets with inserts opposed to all-in ones.

Is their a particular brand you would recommend?  I'm hoping to get a few used to see if Its something we even want to do.  My grandmother (who HAD to cloth diaper her children) thinks i'm crazy, lol.  I do know a couple of people who do it (but don't live close) so the concepts arent' completely foreign to me.

Oh, also, some of them seem to have SO MANY SNAPS!  Is it really as complicating as it looks? 

DD1(4):VSD & PFO (Closed!), Prenatal stroke, Mild CP, Delayed pyloric opening/reflux, Brachycephaly & Plagiocephaly, Sacral lipoma, Tethered spinal cord, Compound heterozygous MTHFR, Neurogenic bladder, Urinary retention & dyssynergia, incomplete emptying, enlarged Bladder with Poor Muscle Tone, EDS-Type 3. Mito-Disorder has been mentioned

DD2(2.5): Late term premie due to PTL, low fluid & IUGR, Reflux, delayed visual maturation, compound heteroygous MTHFR, PFAPA, Bilateral kidney reflux, Transient hypogammaglobulinemia, EDS-Type 3

Re: Any particular brand?

  • Every brand is going to fit differently so I'd suggest doing a diaper trial or buying a one a few different brands/types first.

     As for all the snaps, most one size diapers have adjustable rise snaps to make the diaper bigger as baby grows.  It does look a little intimidating, but once you set the rise, you're only dealing with the waist snaps so it's not that bad.  :)

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  • My 15 month old is also 20 lbs (although not failure to thrive so she has some chub on her legs). What fits her best are the grovia AI2s, FB elite, RaR, swaddlebee simplex 2.0, and GM fitteds. With the skinny leg issue you have, FB diapers which have leg hole adjustments seem like a good choice for you.
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