DH and I are vacationing this week and I'll be gone on Monday, so I'm posting this early. I know many of you won't be on the board until Monday so just reply when you see it! Looking forward to reading your updates!
This is a place for anyone in the waiting-to-adopt phase to
check in. Lurkers welcome! Whether you're still checking out different agencies and
programs or you're bringing your child home tomorrow, this is for you!
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
2) Where in the process are you?
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
4) Most encouraging moment last week?
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
6) Anything else you want to share?
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?TTC September 2010 thru October 2011
SA February 2011: Normal
RE App. October 2011 - Recc. Clomid and IUI
Taking a break from TTC to pursue adoption
Met our 2 year old son in Russia July 2012!
Court trip October 2012
Home November 24 2012!
Back to RE Summer 2013. TTC journey continues:
Dx DOR, endometriosis, low sperm count
Clomid + IUI#1, #2 = BFN / IUI #3 = ???
Laparoscopy scheduled December 2013
Re: WTA check-in (early addition!)
Oh have fun on your vacation!!
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
Fostering, 0-17.
2) Where in the process are you?
Very early. We are seeing which private parenting classes they will accept on Monday.
3) Any recent accomplishments or mIilestones to celebrate?
Bought the first things for the kids... Some little girl shoes and hairbows!
4) Most encouraging moment last week?
Buying shoes and hairbows!
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
No challenges this week.
6) Anything else you want to share?
I'm so happy I found you wonderful women on here!
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?Oh, not really. It is nice to go out to midnight showings of new movies though!
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? Adoption from foster care, hoping for 2 siblings under 5
2) Where in the process are you?Homestudy approved by private agency. Waiting for head of state DCF to sign off on it (I am a SW for the state).
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?We started a registry, and are having a big yard sale today to make room and get rid of stuff.
4) Most encouraging moment last week? Telling my aunts about it who were so happy.
5) Biggest challenge of this week? Just waiting
6) Anything else you want to share?
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc? I am going to Denver for 5 days in August, DH and I are going to a casino for a concert, and we are going camping the end of this month.2) Where in the process are you? We go to orientation Tuesday for private foster and next Monday for state foster.3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? Making the decision to foster.4) Most encouraging moment last week? Getting the confirmation for the orientation.5) Biggest challenge of this week? None
6) Anything else you want to share? I just wanted to say hello to everyone!7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc? We've been going out a lot more here lately.
Application approved Dec '11
Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
Homestudy complete July 19
USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
Come home, baby A!
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
Foster to adopt. 2 months-8 yrs. old
2) Where in the process are you?
I just finished all my training and my first homestudy is scheduled for the 16th of this month. I'll also be moving to a bigger home at the beginning of Aug.
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
I've been doing lots of cleaning and organizing getting ready for my move and a house with kiddos!4) Most encouraging moment last week?
Signing up to volunteer and attend a Just Between Friends sale so I can start to buy some much needed baby gear.
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
Being impatient and waiting to move now, lol.
6) Anything else you want to share?
I'll be a SMBC (single mom by choice)
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?
I'm on summer vacation, so I'm sleeping in, staying up late, and watching what I want to watch when I want to watch because I know all that will change when I have kiddos with me.
6 home inseminations=BFN
June 2012-Decided to give up TTC and started the process to adopt from foster care!
Aspiring SMBC Blog
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
domestic adoption or adoption through foster care
infant to toddler
2) Where in the process are you?
month 9 of waiting
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
not really
4) Most encouraging moment last week?
two weeks ago we had to turn down a situation. It was difficult, but it reassured me that at any moment a child could be coming into our home.
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
not adoption related...
we came home from vacation and our AC is broken. Our home is in the upper 90's right now. I feel like I shouldn't complain, because I have friends that have been without power for almost 10 days. I at least have the luxury of turning a fan on.
6) Anything else you want to share?
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
New born domestic adoption
2) Where in the process are you?
We meet the Birthparents this weekend.
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
see above
4) Most encouraging moment last week?
see above
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
Getting to where the birthparents live. hour to the airport, 2 hour flight, 2.5 hour car ride.
6) Anything else you want to share?
Feeling blessed to know T&J are going to trust us with their child. It was great getting to meet them.
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
Infant domestic open adoption
2) Where in the process are you?
We're waiting to hear if we're going to be matched with a 1.5 month old baby boy
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
3rd potential matching call
4) Most encouraging moment last week?
Submitting our profile
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
I started having horrible dreams. Like, in one, I stole someone else's baby, snuggled him for a couple hours, and then took him back, because I knew he wasn't mine. I guess all those people who call us "baby purchasers" or "baby thieves" have gotten in my head now that we're waiting for a match that feels kind of real.
6) Anything else you want to share?
Not really.
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?
We've been trying to spend more quality time together. We went horseback riding, to the zoo, just letting ourselves enjoy the wait a little more.
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? Domestic Infant Adoption
2) Where in the process are you? Just signed with our agency
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? We sent in our profile information last week (this agency creates our profile for us)
4) Most encouraging moment last week? Finishing our profile information
5) Biggest challenge of this week? Waiting to hear from social worker for the home study
6) Anything else you want to share? Not yet
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc? We are actually not doing anything special at this point. Maybe after the home study is completed.2) Where in the process are you? Attending PRIDE classes.. And we'll be completing the application shortly
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? Nope
4) Most encouraging moment last week? First PRIDE class
5) Biggest challenge of this week? Deciding whether or not to take a break from treatments for a month (maybe two).. And, as always, the "temporary" guests are still living with us.
6) Anything else you want to share? Nope
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc? Not really.. We're just living our lives as we usually do.. Going where we want when we want and for however long we want. I know that will change when we have a child we are responsible for in the home.July - Nov 2011: Testing with OB... OB said everything looks good
March - Sept 2012: Moved to RE.. 4 treatment cycles - responses of one or no follicles
09.03.12: Diagnosed Poor Ovarian Response.. DE IVF only option
Feb - Nov 2012: Pursued Adoption. That door slammed shut.
12.23.12: Surprise BFP (first ever)... 12.25 - 12.31: Natural M/C
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
Foster 0-6. Hope to Adopt one day if the right situation comes along.
2) Where in the process are you?
1st homestudy complete. 2nd meeting very soon.
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
Survived the home study long meeting
4) Most encouraging moment last week?
Everyone receiving the referrals and so happy to fill them out.
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
Completing all that is needed to finish the Home study
6) Anything else you want to share?
I need a nap..LOL
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?
Family vacation
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?
We have a 3 year old, which is a far cry from an infant. So while we are limited on babymoons, dates, etc, we have been trying to do lots of things as a family that we will have to forgo for a while with an infant in the house.
We have been riding bikes alot, going to movies, and fishing (DS is just getting to the age where we feel comfortable taking him out in the boat for short periods of time...it's def not something you can do with a baby). *Also, my little sister graduated from college in May, so we took a trip to Chicago to celebrate! I figured, between us adopting a new baby, making me a mommy of 2, and her starting her new career, it would probably be 10 years before we will be able to take another trip alone together. So I'm really glad we did :-)
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)? Foster/adopt - 0-13ish
2) Where in the process are you? We have actually been placed, and will be meeting the sib group this weekend. So excited!!!
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate? See above.
4) Most encouraging moment last week? Finding out that by July 27th we could be an unofficial family of 6.
5) Biggest challenge of this week? Patience - I really want Saturday to get here quickly.
6) Anything else you want to share? Just that I really hope this works out. After 4 failed placements, I'm ready for something to "stick."
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc? Not really. We were planning on a small vacation, but cancelled that as soon as we got the phone call that we had been chosen for this sib group.2) Where in the process are you?
Waiting for a match
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
Not really
4) Most encouraging moment last week?
Bought our crib bedding this week so we can pick out nursery wall colors!
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
Waiting. Always waiting.
6) Anything else you want to share?
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?Hi all, I haven't checked in in quite awhile but I still lurk, I need a moment to myself so I will join in.
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
We are fost/adopting. We closed our home to fostering and are accepting adoption only placements, boys 0-1 at this point.
2) Where in the process are you?
We have been licensed for almost 2 years, have had 6 foster children, adopted one and are in the process of adopting a sibling set of two.
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
Ava turned 2 last month! We are getting evals done and working toward getting services established for her.
4) Most encouraging moment last week?
Getting a letter from the county congratulating us on working towards adopting the girls.
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
Ava's lack of eating, she is regressing badly in this one area.
6) Anything else you want to share?
I think we might be done after we adopt the girls, maybe.
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?
With 4 kids we don't have time to do anything!
Two Mommies Healing Hearts
1) What kind of adoption/fostering are you doing? And what age(s)?
Domestic Infant Adoption
2) Where in the process are you?
Everything is finished and this is our 4th month of waiting
3) Any recent accomplishments or milestones to celebrate?
4) Most encouraging moment last week?
Seeing so many of our friends who are adopting getting matched/babies being born!
5) Biggest challenge of this week?
Just not knowing. I talked to our agent and she told me that the only 2 birth moms that we would be shown to at this point are not answering her calls and she believes they are both backing out. I know that at any moment a 9 month pregnant BM could waltz in and choose us, but chances are it won't happen. I just wish I knew when we would get the call- even if it's years from now.
6) Anything else you want to share?
7) QOTW: Are you and DH (and your family if you already have kids) doing anything special to enjoy this pre-adoption season? Babymoon? Special vacation? Going out to eat a lot? Staying up late and sleeping ridiculously late every Saturday? Etc?
Trying to just enjoy this last bit of time with just one child. He's so independent now it's hard to imagine going back to the infant stage, but I love hearing him talk about "his baby" and I can't wait to see him as a big brother!
We did just return from a weekend at the lake with our college friends and I actually mentioned that it was weird thinking that if we HAD gotten the call already we wouldn't have been able to go on that trip.
Other than that, we are just signing up for races in Sept/Oct/Nov and so I'm looking forward to those, whether we get a call before then or not!
wife to joe 2.2.08. mama to noah 9.5.09.
After multiple m/c's, a MTHFR diagnosis and the Lord calling both of our hearts in the same direction, we're adopting!