Baby Names

sibling for Hank ;)

My 18 month old boy is Hank...and I just found out he is going to be a BIG brother! We arent finding out boy/girl on this one...anyone have any names that would be cute with Hank?!

Re: sibling for Hank ;)

  • I'd keep the one syllable thing going.  Claire, Kate, Laine, Tess, Maeve, Paige, Grace... Seth, Cole, Blaine, Jack, John, Luke...
  • Is Hank his fn or is it short for Henry? What other names have you considered?
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    5/2001: Ruptured appendix, massive scar tissue
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  • I know a sib set Hank and Hannah. I think that's cute.
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  • According to the Baby Name Wizard, some siblings of Hanks are named:

    Alexander, Ann, Charles, Dominic, Frank, Grace, Gwenyth, Hunter, Isabelle, Jacob, Joanna, Josephine, Josie, Judy, Jules, Lane, Lily, Lola, London, Mason, Maura, Max, Sam, Samantha, and Stella.


    I would stick with strong names for boys. I like Jacob (Jake), Alexander (Alex), Mason, and Max. For girls I like Grace, Lily, and Samantha. 


  • somesosomeso member
    I know a family with Hank and Abe, I always loved those choices.
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